20: Sebastian Sallow - The Unexpected

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Note: (y/n) is the Hogwarts Legacy MC in this oneshot.

House: Gryffindor

Requested byDekuandKacchan99

 Ever since the start of the Triwizard Tournament and the arrival of two infamous European schools there had been a buzz around Hogwarts. The first task had been and gone and the Hogwarts champion came out on top but now the excitement around the school was focused on something that had been announced by Professor Black at a recent assembly. With every Triwizard Tournament came a tradition on Christmas Eve: the Yule Ball.

Everyone was talking about it. The girls were wondering what dresses to wear and the boys were trying to build up the confidence to ask the girls to be their dates. I wasn't sure if I wanted a date, a part of me just wanted to go with someone who was my friend so we could just have a bit of fun with someone like Poppy or Sebastian.

I stood at the potting table, Sebastian stood beside me subtly throwing soil on me. "Stop it!" I hissed, Professor Garlick not noticing as she was too busy tending to a venomous tentacular.

"No, it's more fun than what we're supposed to be doing," he gestured the dittany in our pots.

"Have you figured out who you're going to ask to the ball?" I asked and he stiffened up.

"Maybe, I don't know yet. Why, have you?" His voice was somehow nervous, something I had rarely heard.

"I'm a girl, usually the boys as the girls," I pointed out and he nodded. "But if I don't get asked then probably Poppy."


"Yeah, I think a girls night would be fun but I think I've seen someone from Durmstrang have his eye on her. I bet you're going to try and get yourself a beautiful French girl, right," I nudged his arm playfully and there was a blush on his freckled cheeks. "You are aren't you!"

"No," he muttered.

"Really? That's actually a surprise," I teased and he smirked, throwing a little more soil at me. "Hey!"

"Alright everyone, thank you for a lovely class! I shall see you all on Thursday for our final lesson before the wonderful Christmas holidays!" Professor Garlick said with much enthusiasm. We all gathered our belongings and I sighed in relief as it was the end of the day - another day closer to the Christmas break we all needed.

- Timeskip -

The snow fell heavy and the cold wind ran through the halls of Hogwarts, the Christmas holidays having finally begun. The Yule Ball was in a weeks time, everyone extremely excited but still I hadn't been asked. I was a little jealous as around me all of my friends had been asked but one day, as I walked to the library to return a book I had gotten from the Restricted Section I felt a pair of eyes following me.

Madam Scribnor wasn't at her desk however so I waited at a nearby desk, flicking through the book when suddenly there was a shadow over me. I quickly looked up and was caught by surprise when I saw a Durmstrang student dressed in his distinct red cape despite it being the holidays. "My apologies, I did not mean to startle you," he said, bowing.

"That's okay," I smiled politely.

"I was simply intrigued by your book," he gestured the first edition of Book of Spells I was holding.

"Oh, have you heard of it?" I asked and he helped himself to a chair in front of me.

"No, but I do enjoy to read, and to widen my knowledge," he said charmingly.

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