14: Sebastian Sallow - A Summer Together (Lemon)

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Warning! This oneshot is for those 16+ due to sexual content!

Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Slytherin

Requested by: Molly_MopChan

 This was now my second summer in Feldcroft and my fourth summer without seeing Anne Sallow. I missed my close friend, I missed playing gobstones with her, I missed us talking about girlie things behind Sebastian and Ominis' back and the mischief the four of us would get up to. What pained me most was the mess Sebastian was in when she left - I hated seeing my boyfriend in such pain. I tried to keep him happy and he tried not to show his distress but it was obvious that some lingered.

Since we graduated Hogwarts I tried to spend as much time as I could with Sebastian in Feldcroft, the house having been left to him and Anne in his Uncle's will. It was obvious he was lonely so I made sure to keep him company but I had to return to my parents in London from time to time. Ominis visited a lot as well but he was also settling down elsewhere.

Right now though we had just said goodbye to him after he came to stay with us for a few weeks, but now we were alone in the house together. We had made it more our own, adding a double bed for the two of us but still having a spare bed for Anne should she ever return. The sun was at it's highest and we sat outside together on a bench we had put in the garden, overlooking Feldrcroft and thankful it was now goblin free and back to its calm state. I was laying with my head in his lap as he read his book - he always liked to read, a hobby he got from his parents.

"Hey," I mumbled and he put his book aside to look at me. "Are you happy?"

"Yeah," he said after a pause, clearly analysing his feelings. He gently patted my head as though comforting me. "Yeah I'm happy."

"Good," I sat up and kissed him sweetly. "Come on, it's getting late, I should get supper ready."

"Sounds good to me," he kissed me again, the two of us heading inside his cottage. He had become quite clingy but I didn't mind; he watched me as I put the stew on the fireplace to heat up, then wrapping his arms around me lovingly. "I'm glad I have you."

"You're being awfully affectionate today," I teased, turning to hug him properly.

"Sorry I just need you," he muttered, his freckled cheeks blushing. I cupped them and pulled him into a loving kiss.

"You never have to be sorry for showing emotions. In fact I'm glad you do, it makes you human," I whispered and he leant his forehead against mine before pressing his lips back against mine, more firmly this time. This caught me by surprised and I dropped the ladle I was holding so I could grip onto his shoulders and steady myself. "S-Sebastian," I moaned as his lips broke from mine and crept down my exposed neck.

"Mm, (y/n) you're just irresistible," he whispered in his husky, lust-filled tone.

"Can't you wait until tonight?" I mumbled, my face feeling hot.

"Not really, no," he kissed my ear sending shivers down my back. My fists scrunched up the shoulders of his shirt as he pushed me back until we were up against the screen blocking the bed from the rest of the cottage. I tried to hold in my breathy moans and he nips at my neck, clutching onto my waist tightly knowing that this hold on me was guaranteed to make me weak in the knees and it was working.

He brought his lips back up to mine, heatedly making out as our tongues touched. I was loosing breath but the kiss was so hot that I didn't want it to end, and I could feel myself getting more and more lustful. He groaned against my lips, pressing his body further against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him close, our heads tilting to deepen the kiss further. He towered over me, one hand on the back of my head refusing to let me escape, however he too had to admit defeat as we both needed to get some air back into our lungs.

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