Chapter 1

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Balancing delicately on a weathered slab of cement, Amaya Akira found himself comfortably settled onto the lap of none other than the fastidious Geto Suguru. The backdrop was a blend of urban decay and anticipation, the rough texture of the cement providing an oddly charming contrast to the intimacy of their chosen spot. 

This makeshift seat was, of course, a result of Akira's reluctance to soil his impeccable attire – a quirk that Suguru couldn't help but find utterly endearing.

As they shared this peculiar perch, their attention was fixed on the structure ahead – a building that held Utahime and Mei-Mei inside. Bound by a malevolent cursed spirit, their friends awaited a dramatic rescue orchestrated by none other than Satoru. 

Each passing second was charged with a mix of excitement and anxiety, the rhythmic beat of their hearts keeping time with the countdown to the much-awaited detonation.

Yet, amid the suspense, it wasn't just the mission that occupied Akira's thoughts. The sensation of being cradled in Suguru's lap, the contours of his legs providing an unexpectedly comforting embrace, elicited a whirlwind of emotions. 

As Akira contemplated the situation, his fidgeting drew Suguru's attention, leading his large hands to encircle his waist in a gesture that managed to be both possessive and tender.

"Darling Akira, do try to keep still," Suguru's voice broke the hushed atmosphere, a trace of playfulness dancing in his words. His charming admonishment held a warmth that only grew when met with Akira's playful pout. 

Quickly slapping his chest, causing him to fall back slightly, Akira turned away from Suguru as he heard Suguru's laughter.

Akira sighed and stopped moving, but he couldn't help but fidget. He was nervous about what was going on inside the building Utahime and Mei-Mei were trapped in, and he didn't want to sit still and do nothing.

"I'm just worried about Utahime and Mei-Mei," Akira said. "I hope they're okay."

"They're going to be fine," Geto said. "Satoru is strong, he'll save them."

Akira nodded, but he still couldn't shake the feeling of worry. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.

"I'm here," Geto said, tightening his hold on Akira's waist. Akira smiled and leaned against Geto. He felt safe and protected in his arms. "I know", Akira whispered.

For a fleeting moment, the world seemed to shrink to just the two of them. The building, the cursed spirit, the impending danger – all faded into the background. Akira's fidgeting ceased, yielding to Suguru's gentle guidance. 

As the echoes of their previous moment lingered in the air, a gentle quiet settled between them. Akira's gaze drifted downward, and his fingers traced aimless patterns on Suguru's calloused hands. 

It was an instinctive gesture, a simple act that seemed to transcend the need for words. The textures beneath his fingertips told stories of battles fought, and yet, in that tender instant, the hands that had wielded curses and magic felt strangely serene.

For Suguru, the touch was unexpected but not unwelcome. His sharp focus wavered, momentarily softened by the gentleness of Akira's touch. The calluses that marked his journey as a sorcerer became less a testament to his strength and more a reminder of his shared humanity.

Just a few minutes later, the air was rent with a deafening explosion. The force of it sent tremors through the ground, jolting both Akira and Suguru from their cocoon of shared anticipation. 

Swiftly, their eyes turned upward, greeted by the sight of Satoru emerging from the building's wreckage. He strode out with his characteristic air of casual confidence, his trademark cocky grin in place. However, his demeanor underwent a drastic shift as his gaze fell upon the scene before him.

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