Chapter 31

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Akira, driven by desire, pulled Satoru closer by the back of his neck, their lips locked in a passionate kiss that conveyed their longing and affection for each other.

Akira's hands hungrily grasped at Satoru's shirt, a silent invitation that Satoru eagerly accepted. Their desire for each other was palpable, and their smiles between kisses only added to the intensity of the moment.

Their kisses grew fervent, each one a testament to their desire and affection for one another.

Akira's fingers continued to work on Satoru's shirt, the fabric giving way to their eager exploration. Satoru's smile persisted throughout their heated exchange, as he swiftly pulled the shirt off.

Akira's hands roamed over Satoru's exposed skin, sending shivers of pleasure through both of them.

Satoru's voice was filled with anticipation as he asked, "Are you ready?" He didn't wait for a verbal response, instead, he tore the plastic packaging away with his teeth, a sense of eagerness and excitement evident in his eyes.

Akira's heart raced in response to Satoru's question. He nodded desperately, his desire to share this moment with Satoru overwhelming. 

Without hesitation, he reached out and pulled Satoru back into his embrace, their bodies pressed closely together, aching for the intimacy and connection that awaited them.


Carefully, the tips of fingers gently glided down the length of Akira's back as he shifted in his slumber.

Gradually awakening, Akira's eyelids fluttered open, revealing the world around him. His gaze locked onto Satoru's enchanting azure eyes, which seemed to hold an entire universe within them.

The tenderness in Satoru's gaze ignited a warm blush on Akira's cheeks.

Satoru's hand, which had been tracing delicate patterns on Akira's back, paused as their eyes remained locked. 

The room was filled with an unspoken understanding, a silent language that spoke of feelings too deep for words.

As the seconds passed, Satoru's thumb brushed ever so gently against Akira's cheek, a feather-light caress that sent shivers down his spine. Akira couldn't help but smile, his heart dancing to a silent melody only they could hear.

With a soft, barely audible sigh, Satoru leaned in closer, his lips a breath away from Akira's. 

Akira's heart quickened as he held his breath, his gaze darting between Satoru's mesmerizing eyes and the tantalizing proximity of their lips.

But, just as their lips were about to meet in a long-awaited kiss, the door swung open, abruptly interrupting the moment. Startled, Satoru quickly pulled the covers over Akira.

"Well, this wasn't what I was expecting to come across," a very familiar voice echoed through the room.

Akira let out an exasperated sigh and lifted the covers, giving Suguru a pointed look. "You could've knocked," Akira scolded, his embarrassment evident in his flushed cheeks.

Suguru arched an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "Why should I? It's nothing I haven't seen before," he teased, clearly enjoying Akira's discomfort.

Unable to hide his embarrassment any longer, Akira grabbed a nearby pillow and playfully hurled it in Suguru's direction. "Get out," he demanded, though his bashful tone betrayed his true feelings. 

Akira then retreated under the covers, attempting to shield himself from the awkward situation.

Suguru, however, didn't seem inclined to leave. With a nonchalant attitude, he casually climbed onto the bed, settling down on the opposite side of Akira.

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