Chapter 38

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"Is it smart to leave them unsupervised?" Suguru inquired while observing Akira organizing the paperwork.

Akira responded with a hint of amusement, "Are you concerned?"

Suguru sighed, "Not really, but there's always a chance they could end up killing each other."

Amused, Akira chuckled, "You know they wouldn't actually hurt each other," he assured as he stapled a stack of papers.

Suguru stood up from his chair and quietly approached Akira, who was engrossed in the paperwork.

Akira suddenly felt a series of gentle, wet kisses on his neck. He turned his head towards Suguru and inquired, "What are you doing?" leaning into his partner.

Suguru playfully responded, "What does it seem like I'm doing?"

Akira smirked, "Seems like you're trying to distract me."

Suguru continued his affectionate gestures, gently brushing Akira's hair away from his face, and replied, "Maybe you could use a little distraction."

Akira couldn't help but smile at Suguru's playful advances. He leaned back slightly more, allowing Suguru better access to his neck.

Suguru's kisses grew more insistent and he whispered softly, "You've been working so hard lately, Akira. Maybe it's time for a break."

Akira set aside the paperwork, realizing that Suguru had a point. He turned in his chair to face Suguru, their eyes locking. "I suppose a short break wouldn't hurt," he conceded, his gaze filled with affection.

Suguru leaned in, capturing Akira's lips in a passionate kiss that left little room for doubt about his intentions. He whispered between their heated breaths, "I don't mean just a short break."

Akira, slightly breathless, pulled away just enough to meet Suguru's gaze. "What do you mean?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Suguru looked conflicted for a moment, hesitating before speaking. "I'm not supposed to tell you anything," he admitted, his expression showing signs of uncertainty.

Akira fully pulled away now, concern etching his features. "Suguru, you have to tell me what's going on," he insisted.

Suguru quickly added, "Listen, I think it's for the best."

Akira, growing more anxious, pressed further, "What are we talking about, Suguru?"

Suguru took a deep breath , "You need to take Megumi and the twins on a vacation."

Akira's concern deepened as he questioned, "Why, Suguru?"

Suguru began to answer, "I can't—" but was interrupted by Akira's persistent inquiry.

"Suguru, please," Akira implored, "what's going on?"

Suguru sighed heavily, his fingers running through his hair in frustration. "I need you to promise that you'll leave without any complaints after I tell you," he said, his tone somber.

Akira paused, concern etched on his face. "Suguru-"

"No," Suguru interrupted firmly, "we're not discussing anything else until you agree."

Akira let out a resigned sigh before finally relenting, "Alright, what is it?" he asked.

Taking a deep breath, Suguru revealed the unsettling truth, "Someone's after Yuta."

Akira's eyes widened with alarm, and he couldn't help but ask, "And no, I'm not going to elaborate on anything. Me and Satoru-" He was interrupted by Akira's question.

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