Chapter 39

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As the call ended, Akira set his phone down and took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for them. 

He could hear Satoru and Suguru's voices growing louder as they approached the front door.

As he approached the front door, he could hear Suguru saying something about the flight being too long, and Satoru teasingly responding with a quip about Suguru's impatience.

With a faint smile on his face, Akira opened the door to greet them. "Welcome back, you two," he said, his voice tinged with affection and relief.

Satoru and Suguru turned towards him, their expressions a mix of surprise and delight. "Akira!" Satoru exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Akira in a tight hug. Suguru joined in, enveloping Akira in a warm embrace.

"You have no idea how much we missed you," Suguru said, his voice filled with genuine emotion.

Akira chuckled, feeling a surge of happiness as he held them close. "I missed you both too," he admitted.

As they finally released their tight embrace, Suguru and Satoru exchanged smiles with Akira. The room seemed to fill with a sense of completeness as the three of them stood together.

Suguru ruffled Akira's hair affectionately, making him playfully swat his hand away. "So, how's everything been while we were away?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Akira couldn't help but chuckle at Suguru's inquisitiveness. "Well," he began before he paused and turned around with a sly smile.

Satoru leaned in, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, we've got a couple of lurkers," he teased before bursting into laughter.

Suguru playfully nudged Satoru, giving him a look that said, "Enough teasing."

"You guys can come out," he called out with a warm smile, causing Nanako and Mimiko to emerge from their hiding spots, their giggles still bubbling.

With uncontainable excitement, the twins rushed toward Suguru and enveloped him in a tight hug. 

Suguru wrapped his arms around them, squeezing gently as he relished in the affectionate welcome from his daughter figures.

Satoru, with his flair for dramatics, pulled his sunglasses down and gestured dramatically. "All of you," he emphasized.

Finally, Megumi stepped out as well, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

"I was just checking out the commotion," Megumi said, his voice soft but tinged with a touch of annoyance.

Satoru couldn't resist bursting into laughter. "Oh, I don't doubt you at all. I mean, you can't miss us," Satoru exclaimed dramatically, earning a small eye-roll from Megumi.

"Yeah, it's impossible," Megumi mumbled under his breath.

Satoru couldn't help but playfully pout as he watched the twins embrace Suguru with such enthusiasm. He turned his attention to Megumi, his voice mockingly sad. 

"Why can't you hug me like the twins do, Megumi?" he asked, his lips forming an exaggerated pout as he extended his arms in an exaggerated plea for affection.

Megumi sighed as he couldn't take any more of Satoru's playful pout and stepped closer to Satoru, wrapping his arms around him in a gentle but warm hug.

"There, there," Megumi said in a mockingly soothing tone, "I can give you a hug too, but only because you're so needy."

Satoru, his playful pout now replaced with a grin, hugged Megumi back tightly, a sense of contentment washing over him.

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