Chapter 28

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Akira found himself taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. He had braced himself for a storm of emotions from Suguru—anger, sadness, disgust, confusion, and perhaps even madness. However, Suguru's reaction was nothing like that.

To Akira's astonishment, Suguru burst into laughter and wore a genuine smile as he gazed at Akira with a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. It was a reaction he hadn't anticipated.

Noticing Akira's bewilderment, Suguru decided to shed some light on the situation. "Satoru and I had a conversation about this a long time ago," he explained.

Perplexed, Akira probed further, "What do you mean?"

With a measured tone, Suguru began to clarify, "If you want just one of us, you can have that. And if you want both of us, well..." Suguru's words trailed off as he noticed Akira's comprehension dawning.

Feeling a mix of emotions, Akira couldn't help but express his frustration. "You two are playing with my head," he scoffed, punctuating his words with a pointed glare directed at Suguru when he noticed Suguru on the verge of laughter.

After Suguru had a good laugh, Akira fixed his gaze on him and asked the question that had been bothering him. "So, why didn't you and Satoru tell me any of this earlier?"

Suguru's response was calm and sincere, "We wanted you to develop genuine feelings for both of us."

Akira couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as he processed what Suguru had just revealed. He had expected a very different reaction from Suguru, and the fact that Suguru and Satoru had discussed this before took him by surprise.

"So, you both knew about my feelings for both of you all along?" Akira asked, trying to wrap his head around the situation.

Suguru nodded, a soft smile on his face. "Yes, Akira. We wanted you to have the freedom to explore your feelings without any pressure or expectations."

Akira felt a sense of relief mingled with curiosity. "But why didn't you tell me sooner? I've been struggling with this for a while," he confessed.

Suguru reached out and gently caressed Akira's cheek. "We wanted you to come to us when you were ready, without any influence or interference from us," he explained.

Akira couldn't deny that he appreciated the thoughtfulness behind their approach. "So, what happens now?" he asked, his gaze shifting between Suguru and the idea of a future that included both of them.

Suguru leaned in and kissed Akira softly. "Now, we move forward together," he said. "We're a team, Akira, and we'll figure things out as we go along."

A genuine smile graced Akira's face, his heart filled with warmth and a newfound sense of acceptance. "I love both of you," he confessed, his words ringing with authenticity.

Suguru's eyes held a deep affection as he responded, "And we love you, Akira. That's all that matters."

Their intimate moment was interrupted by a dramatic entrance. "Wow, you two couldn't even wait till I got here?" Satoru chimed in with an exaggerated sigh.

Akira and Suguru turned their attention to the new arrival, Satoru, who had a playful smirk on his face. His presence added a touch of levity to the moment, breaking the tension that had hung in the air.

Akira couldn't help but chuckle at Satoru's dramatic entrance. "You always know how to make an entrance, don't you?" he quipped.

Satoru grinned mischievously. "Well, I had to make sure you two weren't getting too carried away without me," he teased.

Suguru rolled his eyes playfully. "Satoru, we were just having a serious conversation," he said with mock seriousness.

Satoru waved off Suguru's comment. "I know, I know. But now that I'm here, we can make it a three-way discussion," he suggested, winking at Akira.

Akira couldn't help but blush at Satoru's suggestion, but he also felt a sense of excitement. The prospect of being in a relationship with both Suguru and Satoru was both thrilling and slightly overwhelming.

Suguru placed a hand on Akira's shoulder, offering reassurance. "Akira, we're here for you, and we'll take this one step at a time," he said softly.

Satoru chimed in, his tone more sincere than his earlier playfulness. "We want this to work, Akira, and we'll support you in every way we can."

Akira felt a deep sense of gratitude for the understanding and patience they showed him. He took a deep breath and nodded. "I appreciate that," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.


As Akira stirred from sleep, he found himself alone in the bed, and a sense of unease began to creep over him. He rubbed his eyes to dispel the last vestiges of sleep and glanced around the room, his heart quickening. Was everything he had experienced just moments ago a dream?

He pushed the covers aside and stood up, his steps carrying him out of the room. However, before he could fully emerge into the living room, the sound of raised voices caught his attention, causing him to pause.

Akira stood in the doorway, listening intently to the heated argument unfolding before him.

"I told you he was trouble, didn't I?" Suguru's voice carried a note of frustration.

Satoru countered, his tone defiant, "We'll find him. What can he possibly do?"

Suguru's irritation flared. "Why can't you just listen to what I'm saying? What's not clicking, Satoru? I told you this man is crazy."

Satoru's response was cryptic, "It takes one to know one."

Suguru, taken aback, demanded, "What's that supposed to mean?"

With tension thick in the air, Satoru challenged, "You know exactly what I mean."

Akira couldn't bear to see them at odds. Stepping into the room, he interjected, his voice a plea for harmony, "Can we not do this?"

Both Suguru and Satoru turned to look at him, their expressions shifting from anger to concern as they realized the effect their argument had on him. 

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as Akira's words hung in the air. Suguru and Satoru exchanged glances, the tension in the room slowly dissipating as they registered the worry in Akira's eyes.

Suguru took a deep breath, his anger subsiding. "You're right, Akira," he admitted, his tone softer. "This isn't helping anyone."

Satoru nodded in agreement, his stubbornness yielding to reason. "Yeah, you're right. We shouldn't be arguing like this."

Akira let out a sigh of relief, grateful that they were willing to set aside their differences for the moment. "Thank you," he said, stepping closer to them. "We need to stick together, especially now."

"Now, could you tell me who you were discussing?" Akira inquired.

"It's Yukihira," Suguru replied.

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