Chapter 11

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"Come with me, Akira," Satoru's voice echoed through the room as he tugged at Akira's legs, attempting to coax him from the comfort of his bed.

"Nooo, leave me alone," Akira mumbled, his face buried in the pillow, as if trying to escape the world outside.

"That's not happening. You've been cooped up in here for months now," Satoru insisted, his tone laced with concern.

Finally, with a heavy sigh, Akira reluctantly pushed himself up. His once vibrant spirit had dimmed, his weight loss and pallor testament to the toll Suguru's departure had taken on him.

Satoru, ever the playful one, attempted to pull off his best puppy-dog eyes, but all he got in return was Akira's deadpan stare.

Sensing that Satoru was prepared to pester him relentlessly, Akira sighed in defeat. He stood up, making a feeble attempt to push Satoru out of the room.

"Fine, now get out so I can change," Akira grumbled, his tone a mixture of annoyance and resignation.

Satoru beamed with joy, taking Akira's words as a small victory. He decided to save further teasing for later and made his way out of the room, leaving Akira to regain some semblance of himself.


As Akira and Satoru strolled side by side, their footsteps echoed in the quiet street. Akira couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, his gaze drifting up to meet Satoru's. "Why are we paying a visit to that kid again?" he inquired, genuine curiosity in his tone.

Satoru, the bearer of somber news, condensed the situation into a few words. "His father essentially traded him off to the Zenin clan," he explained, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Akira's disbelief was palpable as he retorted, "What kind of father sells his own son?" His expression contorted into a mixture of anger and disdain.

The two friends then settled into a tranquil, comfortable silence, enveloped by their thoughts. Akira's contemplative peace was broken when he heard Satoru break the quietude.

"Are you Megumi Fushiguro?" Satoru inquired, addressing a young boy with unruly black spikes for hair.

Looking up, Akira's gaze followed Satoru's, falling upon the disconcerted visage of the young boy. Megumi's response was curt and filled with skepticism. "Who are you?" he countered, his gaze locked onto Satoru. "And what's with that weird face?"

Akira leaned in slightly, shooting a sidelong glance at Satoru, who appeared visibly disconcerted by Megumi's reaction. With a moment's hesitation, Satoru cleared his throat and responded, "You just bear a striking resemblance, that's all," before regaining his composure.

With a sigh, Satoru decided to delve into the painful topic at hand. "Listen, Megumi, about your dad... He hails from a renowned family of sorcerers known as the Zenin clan. Unfortunately, they are scumbags; that's why your father left them and had you."

He continued, explaining Megumi's unique situation. "Now, you possess a special privilege, being one of the few who can perceive curses, right? You've also sensed the power within you, haven't you?" Satoru inquired, raising his arms in emphasis.

Satoru's frustration with the Zenin clan became increasingly apparent as he divulged more details. "The Zenin clan thrives on formidable powers," he remarked, his tone carrying a mix of anger and exasperation. 

"Most individuals become aware of their cursed techniques around the ages of four to six, which conveniently aligns with the ideal time to sell off a child."

He leaned closer to Megumi, adopting a more personal tone. "So, Megumi, you were your father's last resort, a trump card he kept to defend against the Zenin clan's ambitions."

Satoru's question hung in the air, the resentment in his voice unmistakable. "Doesn't that make your blood boil?"

Before Satoru could continue his train of thought, Megumi abruptly interrupted him with a clear dismissal. "I don't care," he declared, his tone carrying a steely resolve that seemed to defy his youthful appearance.

"I have no interest in where he is or what he is doing," Megumi continued with a stoic resolve that betrayed his tender age.

Satoru's face visibly fell upon hearing Megumi's evident distrust. The weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders.

"I haven't seen him in years, so I don't even remember what he looks like," Megumi admitted with a hint of sadness. Akira couldn't help but feel his heartache intensify as he listened to the words of this young, disillusioned child.

"Though I get the general idea of what you just said," Megumi added, showing a surprising depth of understanding for his age. He then mentioned another somber fact. 

"Tsumiki's mom hasn't come home in a while, too," he stated matter-of-factly, hinting at the shared struggle he and his sister were facing.

Suddenly, a smaller girl, older than Megumi, popped up from above, announcing Megumi's return home. "Ah, Megumi's home," she exclaimed. 

"That means they're finished with us, and they're off enjoying themselves elsewhere, right?" he speculated.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Akira softly sniffled before letting out a cry and embracing little Megumi tightly, catching the child off guard. The warmth of the unexpected hug prompted Megumi to lean in slightly closer, finding solace in the gesture, despite his initial surprise.

Amid this heartfelt moment, Satoru broke the silence once more. "Are you really a first-grader?" he asked, his curiosity piqued by Megumi's maturity. "If you ever want to know about your father, then you can ask me," Satoru offered, a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he observed Akira finally releasing Megumi from the embrace. 

"I think it'd be pretty interesting to hear," he added, eager to bridge the gap and offer Megumi the guidance he needed in his life.

"Now, on to the main point. What do you want to do?" Satoru inquired, his gaze locked onto Megumi.

Megumi turned to face Satoru, his eyes filled with uncertainty, and asked, "Do you want to go to the Zenin clan?"

The weight of the decision hung heavily in the air, and Megumi couldn't help but express his concern. "What will happen to Tsumiki?" he wondered aloud, his thoughts consumed by the well-being of his sister.

"If I go there, will Tsumiki be able to find happiness? It all depends on that," Megumi stated, the gravity of his words reverberating in the stillness.

Satoru, with unwavering conviction, responded to Megumi's concerns. "No. A hundred percent no," he asserted with absolute certainty, his voice unwavering.

Akira couldn't contain his laughter as he watched Megumi's incredulous reaction, and Satoru joined in, their shared amusement cutting through the tension.

"Okay! Leave the rest to me, then," Satoru declared, taking charge of the situation. He turned his attention to Akira, who was on the verge of embracing Megumi once more. "I might need you to push yourself a bit, though," Satoru added as he gently pulled Akira away from Megumi, aware of Akira's emotional attachment already.

"So do your best and get stronger, strong enough to keep up with me," Satoru encouraged Akira as they began to walk away, the weight of their mission firmly on their shoulders.

"Bye, Megumi!" Akira called out, waving with his free hand, as they left behind a young boy facing a future filled with uncertainties but also newfound support and guidance.

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