Chapter 33

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"Absolutely not, are you two insane?" Akira protested vehemently, his disbelief and concern evident as he looked at Satoru and Suguru.

Suguru, however, was resolute. "This is a one-time opportunity, we need to take it. We leave tonight," he insisted, convinced of the importance of their plan.

Akira wasn't convinced and pointed out the glaring flaw. "And what? You assume he's going to be alone?" he countered, his practicality coming to the forefront.

The two men didn't respond to Akira's objections, instead continuing to walk away from him, their determination unwavering.

"Are you two even listening to me?" Akira questioned in frustration, but the silence that followed was his only response.

"You've got to be kidding," Akira scoffed, his exasperation evident as he decided to walk away from them.


As night fell, Akira lay in his room, lost in thought. The time had come for Satoru and Suguru to depart, but Akira remained in bed, refusing to face them.

The door creaked open, and Akira instinctively shut his eyes as he heard footsteps approaching. 

A gentle pair of lips landed on his forehead, and the words "We're sorry" reached his ears. Then, a soft whoosh sound filled the room, and the gentle kiss vanished.

As the soft pair of lips left his forehead, Akira couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions washing over him. The warmth of that gentle kiss contrasted sharply with the heaviness in his heart.

With determination burning in his heart, Akira swiftly got off the bed and made his way to Jujutsu High.


Akira arrived at Jujutsu High, and his first stop was to seek out Yaga and Shoko. He knew that they were the most reliable allies he had in this situation, and they needed to come up with a solid plan to deal with Yukihira.

Finding Yaga in his office, Akira didn't waste any time and got straight to the point. "Yaga-sensei, we have a problem. Satoru found Yukihira, and he's planning to confront him. We need a plan to stop Yukihira."

Yaga listened attentively, his expression grave. "This is a serious matter, Akira. Yukihira is incredibly powerful, and we can't underestimate him. We need a strategy that takes into account his abilities and weaknesses."

Shoko, who had joined them, chimed in, "I've been doing some research on Yukihira, and I've found a few weaknesses. He has a vulnerability to cursed weapons, and he's not very skilled in hand-to-hand combat."

Akira nodded, taking in the information. "That's good to know. So, we should arm ourselves with cursed weapons and try to catch him off guard in close combat."

Yaga agreed, "Yes, but we'll also need a distraction to create an opening. Satoru will be expecting a fight, so we need to come at him from an unexpected angle."

Shoko had an idea. "What if we use Panda as a distraction? He can be our ace in the hole. While Satoru deals with Yukihira, we can focus on taking down the whole organization once and for all."

Akira nodded in agreement. "That could work. Panda is small and agile, and it might buy us the time we need."

Yaga looked at the determined duo before him. "Very well, let's put this plan into action. We'll need to act swiftly and coordinate our efforts carefully. The safety of our world depends on it."

Akira turned to Yaga, his expression serious. "It's best that it's only us who go," he stated, his face contorted with a sense of gravity.

Yaga appeared puzzled. "Why?" he inquired, seeking an explanation.

"I'll tell you after," Akira replied cryptically, leaving Yaga in suspense. There was clearly something on his mind, something he deemed important enough to keep under wraps until the right moment.


The night was shrouded in darkness as Akira, Yaga, Shoko, and the determined Panda made their way to the location where Satoru had tracked down Yukihira. They had prepared as best as they could, armed with cursed weapons and a strategy to catch their formidable foe off guard.

As they approached the designated area, the tension in the air was palpable. The anticipation of the impending battle hung heavily over them, but they were resolute in their mission to stop Yukihira and the potential threat he posed to the world.

In the distance, they spotted Satoru and Suguru. Satoru flashed a confident smile, and Suguru's expression remained enigmatic as ever.

Yaga stood frozen in shock, his eyes widening in disbelief as he beheld Suguru before him. The question echoed in his mind like a thunderclap: How the hell was he alive? It was a question that sent shivers down his spine.

As Yaga grappled with this startling revelation, his gaze shifted to Akira, who avoided eye contact and fidgeted nervously. 

The tension in the air was palpable, as if everyone present held a secret.

His suspicion growing, Yaga turned his attention toward Shoko. To his surprise, her expression remained composed, and there was not a hint of surprise in her eyes. 

Yaga couldn't help but feel a twinge of betrayal. "You knew?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and accusation.

As if to make matters more complicated, Panda chimed in, admitting, "I knew too." However, before he could elaborate any further, he quickly fell silent. 

The intense glare Yaga shot his way made it abundantly clear that this was not the time or place for such revelations.

Without wasting any more time, Panda sprang into action, darting forward with incredible speed. 

He engaged Yukihira in a fierce and nimble battle, creating a distraction that allowed Akira, Yaga, and Shoko to focus on their true target: the entire organization.

Yukihira, however, was no ordinary opponent. His cursed energy emanated like a sinister aura, making it clear that he was a formidable adversary. 

With a swift and fluid motion, he unleashed a barrage of cursed attacks, forcing Akira, Yaga, and Shoko to engage in a fierce and fast-paced battle.

The clash of cursed energy and the clang of cursed weapons filled the night air as the battle raged on. Yukihira's power was evident, but so was the determination of Akira and his allies.

Panda continued to hold his own against Yukihira, keeping him occupied and preventing him from fully unleashing his devastating attacks. 

His agility and combat prowess were proving to be valuable assets in their strategy.

As the battle reached its climax, it became clear that the element of surprise and teamwork were their greatest allies. 

Satoru and Suguru managed to corner Yukihira, exploiting his vulnerability to cursed weapons and their coordinated efforts.

With a final, powerful strike, they incapacitated Yukihira, leaving him unable to continue the fight. The threat he posed had been neutralized.


**This is trash, but I want to end the book with a happy ending after Chapter 236.

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