Chapter 24

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Akira had taken a seat on Satoru's couch, enthusiastically sharing the story of their encounter with Yuji while Satoru and Megumi listened attentively.

"He really reminds me of you, Megumi," Akira commented, his observation filled with warmth.

Satoru couldn't resist making a playful remark. "That happy, bright kid reminds you of sour face over here?" Satoru teased, pointing at Megumi.

Akira immediately jumped to Megumi's defense. "Hey! Megumi isn't a sour face," he countered.

Megumi raised an eyebrow, his tone lighthearted. "Why do you put up with this man-child?" he asked Akira.

Satoru didn't miss a beat, casting a playful look at Megumi. "Who's the child?" he quipped, eliciting amused glances from both Akira and Megumi.

Satoru, realizing that he was outnumbered, couldn't help but playfully complain. "Okay, that's not fair. You can't just both gang up on me," he protested, wearing an exaggerated pout.

Megumi seized the opportunity to prove his point and gave Akira a knowing look, as if to say, "See what I'm talking about?" Satoru responded with a mock glare directed at the younger kid.

Megumi playfully grabbed the remote controller from the floor and settled in next to Akira as he selected a random movie to watch. They both pulled a blanket around themselves, sharing a cozy moment as they focused on the film.

Satoru, feeling a bit left out, couldn't resist a teasing comment. He whispered, "Look who's the child now."

Megumi, not one to back down from a playful exchange, shot back with a smirk, "Maybe because I'm an actual child, you know I'm just four years old, right?" His retort was delivered with a hint of mischief.

Satoru chuckled softly at Megumi's response, acknowledging the truth in his words. "Fair point," he whispered back, a glint of amusement in his eyes.

Satoru, not one to be left out, moved closer to Akira, making space for himself under the blanket. Akira graciously opened the blanket to accommodate Satoru, ensuring that all three of them were snug and comfortable beneath it.

With the blanket enveloping them and the movie playing on the screen, the three friends settled in for a cozy movie night, sharing both warmth and comfort as they enjoyed each other's company. 


In the cozy living room, Akira nudged Satoru gently, catching his attention. Akira whispered softly, "Satoru."

Satoru, still half-engrossed in the movie, responded with a sleepy, "Hmm..."

Akira delivered the news quietly. "Megumi's sleeping."

Understanding the situation, Satoru nodded and carefully rose from his spot on the couch. He went over to where Megumi was and gently picked him up, cradling the young sorcerer in his arms. Akira followed Satoru into Megumi's bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom, Akira took the blanket and tenderly placed it over Megumi, ensuring that he was snug and comfortable in his sleep.

Afterward, Akira and Satoru returned to the living room. Akira slumped onto the couch, and with the movie still playing softly in the background, they settled in for a quiet and peaceful night.

Satoru, sensing Akira's contemplative mood, drew closer to him, pulling him into a comforting embrace and resting his head against Akira's neck.

Akira shared his thoughts about arranging a playdate for Yuji and Megumi. "I actually want to plan a playdate," he admitted, the idea of the two young boys spending time together clearly appealing to him.

Satoru listened intently before posing a question. "So, why don't you?" he inquired, genuinely curious about Akira's hesitation.

Akira let out a sigh, his concerns were evident. "Suguru is changing, but I feel like if he sees Megumi, all that change goes to waste," he explained, his worry for Suguru's progress palpable. 

"You know how much he hates Toji, and Megumi is identical to Toji almost," Akira continued, expressing his apprehension about the potential negative impact on Suguru if he were to encounter someone who reminded him of a person he despised.

Satoru responded to Akira's concerns by acknowledging his own feelings. "I hate Toji too, you know," he admitted, his voice low and intimate. He gently traced his nose down Akira's neck, planting soft kisses along the way.

Akira's hands instinctively tightened around Satoru's, seeking comfort and reassurance. "But you know how to control yourself," Akira pointed out, his voice tinged with conviction.

Satoru responded with a touch of sarcasm. "Do I?" he asked rhetorically, a playful glint in his eyes.

Akira couldn't help but scoff playfully as he gently pushed Satoru away. "You know what I'm talking about," he retorted, amused by Satoru's antics.

Satoru, however, remained optimistic about Suguru's potential for change. "I'm sure a few more talks into him and he'll be back to the old Suguru," he remarked as he pulled Akira closer to him.

Akira reminded Satoru of his earlier doubts. "I thought you didn't believe that he could change," he noted.

Satoru's response held a touch of mystery. "That was before I saw you," he explained.

Akira turned to Satoru, puzzled. "What do you mean?" he inquired.

Satoru leaned in, his eyes locking onto Akira's as he gazed at him with admiration. He could see the profound impact that Akira had on those around him, including Suguru, and he was impressed. 

"You have a way with your words," he said, giving credit where it was due.Akira responded with a playful smirk, his lips curving upwards in a mischievous grin. 

"I'm sure I do," he remarked, his confidence evident.Without warning, Akira leaned in and pressed his lips against Satoru's, kissing him tenderly and affectionately. 

As they parted, they exchanged a soft and knowing smile, the intensity of their connection palpable. 

Satoru's eyes were still filled with warmth as he broke the silence with a gentle tease. "Well, you certainly have a way with more than just words," he quipped, his tone playful and flirtatious.

Akira chuckled softly, his voice filled with affection. "I try my best," he replied, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on Satoru's arm. 

Satoru leaned in closer to Akira, his eyes sparkling with playful curiosity. "What else can you do with that talent of yours?" he asked, his voice low and suggestive. 

Akira's smirk deepened as he leaned in, their lips brushing against each other's. "I guess you'll have to find out," he replied, his voice dripping with seduction. 

The chemistry between them was undeniable, their playful exchange igniting the flames of desire that had been smoldering between them.

As their playfulness transitioned into a more tender and intimate moment, Akira showered Satoru with a few more sweet kisses. The warmth of their affection enveloped them, creating a sense of comfort and closeness that was truly special.

Akira then reached for the blanket and gently covered both of them, cocooning them in a cozy embrace. "Good night, Satoru," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and love.

Satoru responded by pulling Akira even closer, holding him tightly against his chest. He leaned in to place a tender kiss on Akira's forehead, his lips brushing against Akira's skin with a gentle touch. "Good night, Akira," he murmured, his voice filled with tenderness and devotion.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they drifted into a peaceful slumber.

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