Chapter 17

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Akira and Suguru sat in the dimly lit room, the air thick with tension as they discussed their next steps. Suguru leaned forward, his expression serious.

"Akira, you need to understand that this path is dangerous," Suguru warned. "I can't guarantee your safety."

Akira met Suguru's gaze with determination. "I know the risks, but I'm willing to take them. I want to help you find a better way, Suguru."

Suguru regarded him with a mixture of emotions – uncertainty, gratitude, and a hint of remorse. "You always were too stubborn for your own good."

"I learned from the best," Akira replied with a faint smile.

Suguru chuckled, a rare moment of levity in their tense conversation. "That's true."

They spent hours planning their strategy, discussing how Akira would gain Suguru's trust while secretly reporting to Satoru and the jujutsu higher-ups. It was a delicate balance, one that required finesse and cunning.

As they finalized their plan, Suguru couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. He knew the path he had chosen was fraught with darkness, but Akira's presence gave him a small ray of light to hold onto.


Suguru leaned forward, his voice carrying the weight of conviction and a touch of bitterness. "I established the Cursed Spirit Manipulation Team, an organization forged with a singular purpose: the eradication of non-jujutsu users. In my eyes, they pose a grave threat to the very fabric of jujutsu society, and the only means of safeguarding it is by their removal."

His words hung heavy in the dimly lit room, where shadows danced across his face as he continued, his gaze unwavering. 

"My organization is based on the idea of "jujutsu survivalism." I believe that jujutsu users are the only ones who can truly understand and control cursed energy, and that non-jujutsu users are a liability" Suguru continued.

Akira listened intently, his brow furrowing with concern. "So you believe that non-jujutsu users are responsible for the majority of the suffering in the world, as they are the ones who create curses?" Akira asked.

Suguru nodded solemnly, acknowledging the gravity of his beliefs. "Yes, that is my belief."

Akira leaned forward, his expression etched with a mix of empathy and dissent. "Suguru, this ideology is a dangerous and harmful one. It is based on the idea of superiority and the belief that some people are more deserving of life than others. This plan to eliminate non-jujutsu users would result in the deaths of millions of innocent people".

Suguru's retort was sharp, his voice carrying a tinge of bitterness. "Not all of them are innocent."

He leaned back, the room's dim light casting a contrasting play of shadows on his face. "Actually, none of them are," Suguru concluded, his tone unyielding.

Akira's frustration was palpable as he countered, "And you are?"

Suguru's response was enigmatic. "I didn't say I was."

The tension in the room seemed to thicken as Akira couldn't contain his confusion any longer. "I don't understand how you think you should play judge and jury," he pressed.

Suguru's gaze bore into Akira's, his voice unyielding. "Why not? Is it because I'm not the strongest?"

Akira turned to face Suguru squarely, his eyes searching for answers. "Do you have some type of inferiority complex or something, Suguru?"

Suguru's denial was swift. "I don't."

Akira's frustration showed no sign of abating. "Well, I can't tell from the way you're so obsessed with Satoru," he asserted.

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