Chapter 21

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"Take a moment to unwind," Akira soothingly advised, his soft and skilled hands finding their place on Suguru's tense shoulders. Suguru obediently inhaled deeply, mentally bracing himself for what was to come.

As Akira's deft fingers applied pressure to a particularly knotted muscle, Suguru couldn't help but let out a sharp, involuntary "Ahh," instinctively recoiling from the sensation.

Akira let out a resigned sigh, his hands continuing their gentle yet firm work. "How can I work out these knots if you keep squirming?" he asked in frustration.

Suguru, in response, felt compelled to ease his discomfort by reaching out. His hands traveled down, his fingers lightly grazing Akira's thighs as he sought something to hold onto for support. "It's painful," he admitted, his grip on Akira's thighs tightening.

Akira couldn't help but chuckle softly at Suguru's reaction, finding it endearing. "Quit exaggerating," he teased, inching even closer to Suguru to continue the massage.

Suguru's breaths grew deeper as Akira's hands worked their magic, kneading away the tension in his shoulders and back. He allowed himself to relax further, his grip on Akira's thighs unintentionally becoming a bit more intimate.

Akira, sensing Suguru's increasing comfort, leaned in closer, his warm breath brushing against Suguru's ear as he whispered, "You see? Not so bad, is it?" His hands continued their expert ministrations, skillfully soothing Suguru's aching muscles.

Suguru's initial discomfort gave way to a growing sense of bliss. He leaned back into Akira's touch, his hands on Akira's thighs tightening just slightly as if seeking more of that wonderful sensation. "You have a way with your hands," Suguru admitted, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and pleasure.

Akira smiled, his own hands moving with practiced precision. "I told you to relax," he murmured, his fingers tracing a tantalizing pattern along Suguru's spine. 

In that moment, Suguru couldn't help but throw his head back, his gaze locking with Akira's. The intensity of their connection was palpable, a silent understanding passing between them. Time seemed to slow as they shared that meaningful look, their desires laid bare.

Without a word, Akira leaned in, bridging the gap between them. Their lips met in a searing kiss, a passionate fusion of longing and affection. Suguru's hands, which had been holding onto Akira's thighs, now moved up, cupping the back of Akira's head, deepening the kiss. 

Their kiss deepened, and it was clear that Suguru was taking the lead, igniting a fiery passion within him that had long been yearning for control. Akira's heart raced as Suguru's lips dominated his, and he welcomed the sensation of surrendering to Suguru's desires.

Suguru's hands, now in command, traced a commanding path across Akira's chest, his fingers teasingly circling sensitive areas beneath the fabric. 

Akira, submitting willingly to Suguru, arched his back slightly, a silent invitation for more. He was eager to experience the pleasure of relinquishing control to Suguru.

Breaking the kiss, their heavy breaths mingling in the charged air, Suguru's eyes bore into Akira's with intensity. 

With unspoken understanding, they shifted positions, Suguru now in full control. His hands and body took charge, guiding their touches and caresses as they were deliberate, each movement dictated by Suguru's desires.

Akira surrendered completely, reveling in the sensation of being dominated by the person he desired most. 

Before they could delve any further into their passionate encounter, the door was abruptly slammed open, jolting Akira and Suguru apart. Their heated gazes turned toward the doorway, where Suda stood, her presence a sudden intrusion on their intimate moment, clipboard in hand.

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