Chapter 29

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Akira found himself back in Satoru's apartment, where Nanako and Mimiko were peacefully napping on the couch. He couldn't resist their adorable slumber and decided to grab a small blanket to cover the twins, who snuggled even closer in their sleep.

Just then, he heard footsteps behind him and turned to find Megumi entering the room, eyeing the twins with a curious expression.

Akira, noticing Megumi's scrutiny, raised an eyebrow. "What's on your mind?" he asked.

Megumi couldn't help but express his concerns. "How long are they going to be staying here?" he inquired, his tone laced with skepticism as he side-eyed the twins.

Akira tilted his head in exasperation, urging Megumi to be more understanding. "Megumi, be nice," he gently chided.

Megumi shook his head and took a step back, clearly uncomfortable. Then, Akira attempted to tease him by using a nickname, making a swooning gesture and moving closer. "You're so cute, Gumi," he teased.

Megumi, looking thoroughly disgusted, took a step away, firmly stating, "Don't ever call me that again."

Akira, ever the playful one, didn't back down. "Oh, why? I thought I was your favorite!" he teased, inching closer to Megumi.

Megumi, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, decided to make a quick escape. "Leave me alone!" he exclaimed, sprinting away.

But Akira wasn't about to let him go that easily. He laughed heartily and caught up with Megumi, enveloping him in a warm embrace. "Never," he declared, holding Megumi close.

Megumi protested, "Stop being weird," but as Akira held him tighter, he gradually relaxed.

"I'm not being weird; you're the one acting weird," Akira retorted playfully, the two of them engaged in a humorous back-and-forth.

As Akira held Megumi in a playful embrace, the two of them shared a rare moment of affection and laughter. The twins, Nanako and Mimiko, continued to nap peacefully on the couch, unaware of the antics happening around them.

Megumi couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort in Akira's arms, even if he would never admit it out loud. Despite his initial resistance, he secretly enjoyed these moments of playfulness with Akira.

Akira leaned down and planted a quick kiss on Megumi's cheek before releasing him. "Alright, alright, I'll stop being weird," he teased.

Megumi rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "You better," he replied, brushing a stray strand of hair from his face.

Akira grinned, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "You know, Megumi, you're not so bad yourself," he said, ruffling Megumi's hair affectionately.

Megumi swatted Akira's hand away but didn't protest further. 

Akira rose from his spot and turned to Megumi with a question, "Feeling hungry?"

Megumi nodded in agreement, and Akira walked over to the phone. "Pizza?" he proposed to Megumi, who simply nodded once more.

After placing the order for pizza, Akira headed to the kitchen, rummaging for plates and cups, filling the latter with soda. With everything ready, he returned to the living room, where the twins were still peacefully asleep, and Megumi waited.

Akira sought an update from Megumi, asking, "Is Tsumiki still sleeping?"

"Yeah," Megumi replied with a nod.

Akira decided to check on Tsumiki himself. He approached her bedroom door and knocked gently. Receiving no response, he carefully pushed the door open and found her sleeping soundly.

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