Chapter 34

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"When were you going to tell me?" Yaga's voice quivered with a mixture of anger and disappointment as he stood there, facing Akira, Suguru, Satoru, and Shoko, all of them on their knees before him. 

The sense of déjà vu was overpowering, as if history were repeating itself in an unexpected way.

In a corner, baby Panda stood awkwardly, forced into a similar position as the others, although he was an innocent bystander in this unfolding drama.

The room was filled with an uneasy silence, broken only by the shuffling of feet and the avoidance of eye contact. It was a moment of reckoning, and no one seemed willing to be the first to speak.

Finally, unable to contain his frustration any longer, Yaga thundered, "Whose idea was this?" His voice echoed through the room like a storm.

Suguru and Satoru exchanged a glance, their expressions a mix of regret and resignation. In unison, they admitted, "It was mine."

Shoko and Akira watched, their faces somber, as Yaga began to teach them all a lesson.


Akira found himself seated between Satoru and Suguru, their heads resting heavily on his shoulders. The aftermath of facing Yaga's wrath had left them all feeling sore, both physically and emotionally.

With gentle care, Akira held each of their hands, his fingers moving in soothing motions as he asked, "Are you two feeling okay?" His voice carried genuine concern.

Satoru let out a low, tired groan, but there was a faint, satisfied smile playing on his lips. "It was worth it," he admitted, acknowledging the price they had paid for their actions.

Akira's own smile widened at Satoru's response. "Yes, it was," he agreed wholeheartedly.

As Akira continued to provide comfort and support to Satoru and Suguru, the tension in the room began to dissipate. The trio shared a moment of unity, knowing they had faced the repercussions of their actions as a team.

Just as they were beginning to relax, the heavy footsteps of Yaga reverberated through the room. He approached them with a stern expression, but there was also a sense of determination in his eyes. Yaga sat down beside Suguru, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"It's time," Yaga began, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility, "that we set the record straight." He turned to face Akira, Satoru, and Suguru, his gaze unwavering. 

"Suguru was not responsible for the events that transpired. He was framed by Yukihira."

The room fell into a hushed silence as Yaga's words hung in the air, everyone felt shocked and baffled at what Yaga was clearly trying to say.

Yaga was prepared to defend Suguru's name and reputation, even if it meant confronting the higher-ups.

Suguru, still shocked but now with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, nodded in gratitude towards Yaga. 

Yaga nodded with determination before he made his way out of the room.

Akira and Satoru exchanged knowing looks, fully aware that things were starting to change.

Their quiet moment of reassurance was interrupted by a heavy sigh from Akira. He couldn't help but bring up a pressing matter that weighed on his mind. 

"We need to thank Yaga after this," he said softly, not wanting to disturb the fragile peace that had settled among them.

Satoru and Suguru exchanged a glance, their expressions mirroring a mixture of apprehension and determination. It was clear that addressing this issue with Yaga wouldn't be easy.

As if reading their thoughts, Akira continued, "But don't worry. Yaga will defend your name. He'll make sure everyone knows you were framed by Yukigira." 

Suguru's eyes met Akira's, gratitude shining through the exhaustion. "Thank you, Akira," he whispered, a hint of emotion in his voice. 

Akira nodded with a soft smile as he tightened his hold on Suguru.


Under the gentle embrace of a starry night sky, Akira, Satoru, and Suguru found themselves perched at the edge of a tall building, their feet dangling in the cool evening breeze. 

The city lights below twinkled like a sea of diamonds, casting a soft, enchanting glow over everything.

With a serene atmosphere enveloping them, Satoru and Suguru flanked Akira on either side, creating a close-knit trio. 

They each held onto Akira, their hands intertwined in a comforting embrace. It was a simple gesture that spoke volumes of their trust.

They didn't need words to communicate; the stillness of the night seemed to say it all. 

Together, they watched as the world below continued its ceaseless motion, the bustling city gradually settling into a tranquil rhythm.

As the night breeze ruffled their hair, Suguru leaned his head gently against Akira's shoulder, a contented sigh escaping his lips. 

Satoru mirrored the action on Akira's other side, finding solace in the warmth of their shared moment.

Suguru's tranquil voice held a sense of acceptance as he began, "If things don't work out—"

But Satoru interrupted, shaking his head in fierce disagreement. His gaze remained locked on the distant horizon, determination burning in his eyes. "We'll figure it out," he declared with unwavering confidence.

Akira chimed in, "Yeah," he affirmed, turning to Suguru, "we won't let them do anything to you." His words were a promise, a vow to stand by his side no matter what.

In that charged moment, Suguru turned his gaze towards Akira, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and affection. Without a word, he leaned in, capturing Akira's lips in a soft, lingering kiss.

As the tender moment between Suguru and Akira unfolded, Satoru couldn't help but feel the warmth of their connection. He turned toward Akira with a playful grin and remarked, "You two are something else."

However, his smile widened when he noticed the affectionate atmosphere. Feeling a surge of energy, he leaned closer to Akira, capturing his lips in a sweet and soft kiss. 

When they parted, Satoru met Akira's eyes with a warm expression. "We've got each other's backs," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Akira nodded, his heart touched by the love and loyalty of the two. "Together, there's nothing we can't overcome," he affirmed.

A genuine smile graced Akira's face, radiating happiness and hope as he spoke, "I think Yaga can do it."

Satoru nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a shared faith in their mentor. 

In that moment, Suguru and Satoru both tightened their grip on Akira's hands, their fingers intertwining with his. 

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