Chapter 7

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As Satoru's eyelids gently parted, his senses gradually reawakened to the world around him. The soft ambient light filtered through the room, revealing the scene that awaited him.

There, nestled in a chair by his side, was Akira, his form embraced by slumber's gentle grasp. His chest rose and fell in a rhythm of tranquility, a testament to the peaceful respite he had found in the realm of dreams.

"Satoru..." Akira's voice whispered, though hushed in sleep, carried a soothing cadence that resonated through the room. A small smile played on Satoru's lips as he listened to the soft sound, a testament to the familiarity he missed.

Satoru's gaze, filled with a mixture of fondness and gratitude, traced the delicate curves of Akira's profile. The faint play of shadows and light danced across his features, accentuating the serenity that painted his countenance even in the depths of sleep. Strands of his hair cascaded gracefully, framing his face like a curtain drawn around a precious work of art.

The room exuded an air of stillness, as if time itself had paused as Satoru's heart stirred, a symphony of emotions swelling within him—a symphony of love, comfort, and a profound sense of being truly seen and cared for.

As he continued to observe Akira, a soft smile tugged at the corners of Satoru's lips. The tenderness he felt was mirrored in the gentle rise and fall of Akira's chest, in the faint flutter of his eyelashes against his cheeks.

Every detail etched itself into Satoru's memory, a cherished moment of vulnerability and trust that he would carry with him.

Unbeknownst to Satoru, the door to the room creaked open. Geto Suguru, his presence both enigmatic and imposing, stepped into the room.

His gaze shifted from Satoru's peaceful countenance to the slumbering figure of Akira, a hint of surprise and perhaps something else crossing his features.

Satoru's attention snapped toward the newcomer, his heart momentarily startled. "Ah, Suguru".

Geto's lips curved into a subtle smile, his eyes flickering between Satoru and Akira. "Sorry for the intrusion. I was looking for Akira. Seems I found him, lost in dreams."

Satoru's expression eased into a more composed demeanor, his curiosity piqued by Geto's presence. "Yeah, did you need anything?"

"Not really. I just wanted to check on something with him,", Geto replied with a faint air of mystery.

"I see." Satoru's gaze briefly returned to Akira, a sense of protectiveness welling within him. "He's asleep right now. Is there something I could do for you?"

Geto's gaze lingered on Akira for a moment longer before he met Satoru's eyes again. "No need to worry. You both seem... tired."

A mixture of caution and curiosity swirled within Satoru, his instincts telling him that there was more to Geto's words than met the eye. "We are".

A knowing glint flashed in Geto's eyes. "I can see that. Well, I won't keep you."

As Geto turned to leave, Satoru's thoughts remained in a state of intrigue. 

As the door closed behind Geto, Satoru's gaze returned to Akira, his heart silently hoping for the slumbering figure's dreams to remain undisturbed.


Akira's knuckles rapped gently against Suguru's bedroom door, a tentative rhythm that carried a sense of anticipation. For a moment, there was only silence on the other side, prompting Akira to prepare for another knock. But before his hand could make contact with the door once more, it swung open, revealing Suguru standing before him. Fatigue etched lines on Suguru's features, his weariness casting a shadow over his usual composure.

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