Chapter 25

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Suguru stood outside, his mind heavy with thoughts and reflections. Recent events had opened his eyes to the complexities of the world he inhabited.

Akira's influence and the actions of non-sorcerers had begun to chip away at the walls of prejudice and resentment he had built.

He took a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling the weight of his past actions pressing down on him.

Akira's revelations and the selfless acts of non-sorcerers had started to chip away at Suguru's long-held beliefs.

He was beginning to see beyond the surface, recognizing that good and bad existed in every group, including jujutsu sorcerers. It was a realization that weighed heavily on his mind.

As he contemplated the consequences of his actions and the choices he had made, Suguru couldn't help but feel a sense of regret.

He knew that it was too late to undo what had been done. If the higher-ups discovered his change of heart and his newfound perspective, the consequences could be severe, even fatal.

Suguru's clenched fists began to tremble as he watched Akira step out of a car. He couldn't help but notice the bright smile on Akira's face as he engaged in conversation with whoever was in that vehicle.

Akira appeared genuinely happy, and that observation stoked a fire of conflicting emotions within Suguru.

A surge of anger welled up in Suguru, and he struggled to make sense of it. The sight of Akira's happiness seemed to trigger something deep within him.

It was as if he felt a sense of betrayal or resentment, though he couldn't quite pinpoint the source of these feelings.

Akira waved at the person in the car and then turned his attention toward the building. However, he paused as he noticed Suguru standing outside.

"Ah, Suguru, what are you doing out here?" Akira inquired as he approached Suguru.

Suguru didn't waste any time and got straight to the point. "Who was that?" he asked, his tone sharp and direct.

Akira looked momentarily confused before understanding dawned. "A friend," he replied, his response simple and straightforward.

Suguru raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in his expression. "Are you lying to me?" he pressed, not ready to let the matter go so easily.

Akira couldn't help but scoff at Suguru's persistence. "Get over yourself," he retorted, his frustration evident in his tone.

The tension between them simmered as Suguru's sharp questions hung in the air. Akira's frustration was apparent, but he also sensed that there was more to this exchange than met the eye.

Suguru narrowed his eyes, his suspicion unyielding. "Akira, just answer the question," he insisted, his voice holding a note of urgency.

Akira's gaze flickered, torn between revealing the truth and the fear of how Suguru might react. But he also understood that avoiding the truth wouldn't solve anything.

But before Akira could respond, Suguru pressed further, his voice firm. "Is it Satoru?" he asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

Akira went silent, contemplating his response, but Suguru wasn't about to let him evade the truth. "Don't lie," Suguru asserted, his tone unwavering.

Finally, Akira relented with a sigh. "Fine," he admitted, his voice tinged with resignation. "Yes, I've been with Satoru, but it's not what you think. We were just trying to help you."

Suguru's expression remained guarded as he absorbed this revelation. It was clear that he was wrestling with his own emotions, unsure of how to process this new information.

Suguru's unexpected request left Akira momentarily frozen in confusion. "Call him and tell him to come back," Suguru repeated, his voice carrying a hint of embarrassment.

Realizing that Suguru was serious, Akira quickly fumbled for his phone and dialed Satoru's number. He waited anxiously for Satoru to answer, unsure of how this sudden turn of events would be received.

As the phone rang, Akira exchanged a glance with Suguru, both of them caught in the uncertainty of the moment.


The room fell into an awkward and tense silence as the trio sat together, each lost in their own thoughts.

Akira, feeling the need to break the ice, attempted to start a conversation. "Soooo..." he began, but his words trailed off as he noticed both Suguru and Satoru exchanging intense glances and remaining silent.

Akira turned his attention to Suguru, giving him a pointed look as if urging him to speak up. The tension in the room was palpable.

Finally, Suguru cleared his throat and began, "I realized I was... wrong."

Both Akira and Satoru turned to him in shock and disbelief. It was evident that Suguru's admission had taken them both by surprise.

Satoru turned to Akira, a quizzical expression on his face. "You didn't know about this?" he questioned.

Akira shook his head, a sense of amazement in his voice. "I didn't know he was going to change his mind this quickly," he replied.

Satoru's curiosity got the better of him as he probed further. "Well, what did you say to him?" he inquired, his tone laced with intrigue. His mischievous nature shone through as he added, "Or what did you do?" He cast a knowing look at Akira, a teasing glint in his eyes.

Akira couldn't help but react with a playful slap to Satoru's arm. "Nothing, you pervert!" he retorted.

Satoru chuckled, unbothered. "It's not like I want you to," he quipped, maintaining his playful demeanor.

Before their banter could continue, Suguru cleared his throat and directed an expectant gaze at them. The room's atmosphere shifted once more as the focus returned to Suguru, who seemed to have something important to say.

Suguru began to express his remorse, acknowledging the wrongness of his actions. "Anyways, I know what I did was wrong, but it's too late to go back..." he admitted.

Akira, however, wasn't willing to accept any excuses. "There are no 'buts.' We'll find some way to fix this," he interjected firmly.

Satoru chimed in, his tone resolute. "It won't be easy, but we'll figure something out," he added, his eyes locking onto Suguru.

Satoru then dropped a not-so-subtle hint. "After... you apologize," he said, his gaze shifting to Suguru.

Suguru raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Apologize?" he questioned, somewhat taken aback.

Satoru clarified, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Don't tell me I hurt your feelings, Satoru," Suguru scoffed dismissively.

Satoru's expression remained unwavering as he clarified, "Not mine, but apologize," he emphasized, giving Suguru a pointed look.

Suguru seemed to have caught on, and he reluctantly turned to Akira. "Sorry," he muttered.

Akira glanced between Satoru and Suguru, trying to make sense of the silent conversation and abrupt apology.

Before he could fully grasp what was happening, Satoru cheerfully announced, "Anyways, I got an idea on how to fix this."

Both Akira and Suguru leaned in closer, their curiosity piqued as they awaited Satoru's proposal.

"You fake your death," Satoru declared with a hint of pride in his voice.

The room fell into a stunned silence as the two other men tried to process Satoru's seemingly outrageous suggestion.

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