Chapter 3

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Akira found himself reclining on his bed, gazing up at the ceiling with a mix of anxiety and restlessness swirling within him. The mission that Satoru and Suguru had embarked upon weighed heavily on his mind. It wasn't merely their strength that concerned him, though he knew they were formidable. They held a significance that transcended their power; they were his confidants, his pillars of support, the luminaries that guided his path in the world of sorcery. In every sense, they were his purpose.

As minutes stretched into moments, Akira realized that ruminating in his bedroom was futile. The unease persisted, refusing to be quelled by his thoughts alone. Resolute, he resolved to exchange his pajamas for more casual attire, making the decision to venture beyond the confines of his room and take a leisurely stroll around the school grounds.

His steps led him through a labyrinth of greenery, where flowers and plants blossomed in their vibrant glory. Yet, his attempts to find solace in nature were punctuated by persistent concerns that persisted in his mind. The verdant expanse gradually led him to a tranquil green field, where a scene unfolded before him: Nanami and Haibara were seated on the soft grass, engrossed in conversation as they cast their gazes toward the encompassing forest.

Breaking the silence, Akira's voice rang out, "Hey, guys."

Instantly animated, Haibara jumped up, a burst of enthusiasm evident in his demeanor. "Oh, Ayama-senpai! How's it going?"

Akira's gaze shifted to Nanami, whose demeanor had notably quieted. "Not much. How about the two of you?" he inquired, his eyes briefly meeting Nanami's before returning to the scene ahead.

"We're just hanging out, Senpai. Would you like to join us in our little 'doing nothing' session?" Haibara proposed with a sense of pride in his relaxation.

With a gentle smile that held a weight of its own, capable of freezing the younger students in their tracks, Akira responded, "Sure." He settled into the grass between the two, his focus converging on the vast expanse of the forest.

In the shared stillness, a respite seemed to envelop them. Yet, beneath the veneer of calm, each of their minds was preoccupied by thoughts of others. Akira couldn't shake his unease regarding Satoru and Suguru, his brows slightly furrowed as he contemplated the disconcerting sensation that refused to wane.

Nanami and Haibara exchanged glances that were laced with admiration as they regarded Akira, their clear favorite among the senpais. For Haibara, Suguru held a close second place, but there was something undeniably captivating about Akira.

Akira's presence seemed to radiate a kind of beauty that transcended the ordinary. His hair danced in the wind, trailing slightly behind him as his delicate bangs brushed against his otherworldly features. The sunlight bestowed upon him a radiant glow, casting an almost ethereal aura around him. His contemplative gaze held a hint of sparkle, as if his thoughts were intertwined with stardust. In that moment, he appeared almost angelic, a figure blessed by the heavens.

As their attention lingered on Akira, a newcomer interrupted their peace. Shoko, with amusement written all over her, approached the trio, causing both Nanami and Haibara to divert their gaze with bashful blushes. Caught in the act of openly admiring their senpai, they found themselves momentarily flustered.

Breaking the silence, Akira gracefully rose from his seat on the grass and moved toward Shoko. "Anything to report from them?" he inquired, a palpable hopefulness in his voice.

A slight shake of the head from Shoko dashed his hopes, the disappointment evident on Akira's features. With a sigh that carried the weight of unfulfilled anticipation, he bade farewell to the first-years and Ieiri before retracing his steps back to his room. The day's encounters and unspoken worries lingered, casting a shadow over his thoughts as he withdrew to his personal space.

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