Chapter 19

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Akira knelt beside the injured Nanako, his hands emanating a soft, soothing glow as he gently passed them over her wounded arm. The ethereal light seemed to dance along the edges of the cut, mending it with remarkable swiftness. 

Nanako's eyes widened in amazement as she watched the healing process unfold before her. Meanwhile, Mimiko, still nursing her sense of guilt, sat huddled in a corner. She, too, couldn't help but steal glances at Akira, her gaze filled with a mixture of wonder and remorse.

As the cut on Nanako's arm vanished, Akira turned his attention to her. He noticed Nanako's reluctance to meet his eyes, her guilt weighing heavily upon her. Akira let out a sigh, his expression a blend of understanding and concern. "How did this happen?" he inquired, his voice carrying a touch of weariness.

The twins exchanged glances, their small fingers nervously intertwining. They then directed their gaze back at Akira, simultaneously pointing at each other, their fingers trembling as they did so. "It's her fault," they admitted in unison, the weight of responsibility finally sinking in.

Akira sighed again, his shoulders slumping in resignation as he regarded the pair. His arms crossed firmly over his chest, he faced them with a patient and expectant look. 

Under the scrutiny of Akira's caring yet firm demeanor, the twins felt compelled to reveal the truth, realizing that they could no longer evade the consequences of their actions. Their discomfort grew evident as they squirmed under his watchful eyes, their fingers fidgeting, and their eyes falling to the ground.

After a pause filled with the weight of unspoken remorse, Mimiko summoned the courage to speak, her voice laden with guilt. 

"We were playing near the bushes, and I found a branch with thorns," she admitted, her words hesitant and tinged with regret. "I thought it would be funny to chase Nanako with it, but... I didn't mean to hurt her."

Nanako, her tear-filled eyes glistening, raised her head to meet Akira's gaze. "I got scared and ran into the branch... and it cut me," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Akira's demeanor softened, a mixture of compassion and understanding in his eyes. He recognized that the twins were just children who had acted on childish impulses. 

Crouching down to their eye level, he gently embraced both of them. "It's okay, accidents happen," he reassured them in a soothing tone.

Akira smiled warmly at the twins as they clung to his arms, comforted by his presence and reassurance.

After a few moments of contemplation, the twins turned their big, innocent eyes toward Akira, their faces filled with curiosity and a touch of longing. "Can you please teach us how to use magic?" they asked, their voices filled with earnestness.

Akira couldn't help but smile at the twins' enthusiasm as they clung to his arms, their little faces filled with curiosity and hope. Their genuine desire to learn was heartwarming.

When the twins asked if he could teach them how to use "magic," Akira gently corrected them, "It's not magic, it's my chakra."

"Chakra?" The twins echoed, their matching expressions now a blend of fascination and eagerness.

Akira took a moment to explain, "Yes, it's a special energy that's inside me. Unlike cursed energy, it doesn't require any curses or sorcery. It's just a part of me, something I can use to help people."

The twins seemed to absorb this information, nodding in understanding. Their inquisitive minds were quick to grasp the concept, and it was clear that they were eager to learn more. 

Nanako and Mimiko looked at Akira with wide, hopeful eyes, their faces filled with anticipation. "Can you teach us, please?" they pleaded.

Akira sighed softly, empathizing with their eagerness. He then crouched down to their level, his expression gentle yet regretful. "Unfortunately," he began, "I can't."

The twins' faces fell, and their eyes welled up with disappointment. "What? Why not?" they asked, their voices trembling with the threat of tears.

Akira placed a comforting hand on each of their shoulders, his touch reassuring and warm. "You see," he explained, "I'm the last chakra user."

This revelation caused the twins to pause, their tears momentarily forgotten as they processed the information. "The last?" they asked in unison, their voices filled with a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

Akira nodded with a soft chuckle, "Yes, the very last one."

Nanako and Mimiko exchanged wide-eyed glances, their young minds struggling to comprehend the significance of what they had just heard. They wiped away the tears that had threatened to fall and replaced their disappointment with an overwhelming sense of awe.

"The last chakra user," Nanako whispered in hushed reverence.

"Wow, that's amazing," Mimiko added, her voice filled with genuine wonder and admiration.

Akira couldn't help but smile at their innocent fascination, understanding that his unique status had left an indelible impression on the young twins.

The twins turned to face Akira, their expressions serious yet curious. "Is that why Geto-sama is always watching you?" Nanako asked, her eyes probing.

Akira turned to them with a puzzled expression, furrowing his brow. "Huh? What do you mean?" he inquired, genuinely confused by their statement.

The twins exchanged a brief glance, a silent communication passing between them, before they turned their attention back to Akira. "You don't know?" Mimiko asked, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and intrigue.

Akira remained baffled, his confusion growing. "Don't know what?" he pressed, eager to uncover the mystery the twins seemed to be alluding to.

The twins shared another secretive glance, as if contemplating whether to reveal what they knew. Finally, Nanako nodded at Mimiko, and they both turned their attention back to Akira.

"Nanako and I overheard Geto-sama talking to someone," Mimiko began cautiously, "and he mentioned that you're important for his plans."

Akira's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing to process this unexpected revelation. "Geto... mentioned me in his plans?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Nanako nodded solemnly. "Yes, he said that he needed you for something big."

Akira couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion and concern. If Geto had plans that involved him, it could only mean that things were about to get even more complicated. He needed to find out more about Geto's intentions, and he couldn't afford to be in the dark any longer.

"Thank you for telling me," Akira said to the twins with a determined expression. "I need to figure out what Geto is up to, and why he thinks I'm important."

Nanako and Mimiko exchanged worried glances as Akira seemed to be lost in deep contemplation. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he knew that he needed more information, and he needed it fast. 

Confronting Suguru without a clear understanding of his plans would be reckless, and Akira was determined not to make any hasty moves.

Breaking the silence, Akira turned his attention back to the twins, his voice filled with determination. "Can you two find out anything else about Suguru's plans or what he wants with me?" he asked, his gaze unwavering.

Nanako and Mimiko hesitated for a moment, their loyalty to Suguru clashing with their growing trust in Akira. It was evident that they were torn between their allegiance and the concern they felt for Akira's safety.

Finally, Nanako spoke up, her voice carrying a sense of resolve. "We'll do our best to find out more," she said, her eyes reflecting the conflict within her. "But please, Akira, be careful. Geto-sama is dangerous."

Akira nodded in acknowledgment, touched by the twins' genuine concern for his well-being. "I will," he assured them, his gratitude evident in his tone. "Thank you, both of you."

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