Chapter 26

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Akira and Suguru exchanged bewildered glances at Satoru's unexpected suggestion. It was clear they hadn't anticipated such a drastic proposal.

"Fake my death?" Suguru repeated, his tone a mixture of disbelief and confusion.

Satoru maintained a cheerful demeanor, as if he had just suggested something entirely reasonable. "Yes! It's a perfect plan," he insisted.

Akira scratched his head, trying to make sense of it. "But how would that help?" he asked, genuinely puzzled.

Satoru leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Think about it. If you're 'dead,' the higher-ups will stop pursuing you. You can start anew, away from the Jujutsu world," he explained.

Suguru and Akira continued to exchange skeptical looks, unsure if this idea was as brilliant as Satoru believed it to be.

Suguru leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "It sounds extreme, Satoru. Plus, faking my own death? That's not something you can just do on a whim," he argued.

Akira nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not that simple. There are too many risks involved. What if it goes wrong?" he added, concern etched on his face.

Satoru, however, was undeterred by their reservations. He leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Come on, guys! Think about the possibilities. Suguru, you can start fresh, and we can help you from the shadows," he said persuasively.

Suguru and Akira exchanged another glance, torn between the audacious idea and their doubts about its feasibility. The concept of a fresh start was tempting, but the risks loomed large.

Suguru sighed, running a hand through his hair. He could see the appeal of starting anew, away from the Jujutsu world and the higher-ups who pursued him, but the idea of faking his own death still seemed incredibly risky.

Akira spoke up again, his voice filled with concern. "Satoru, what about the people who care about Suguru? His friends, like the twins, and the people from the organization would be devastated if they thought he was dead. And what if something goes wrong with the plan? It could end up making things worse."

"Suguru, you could always take the twins with you, or I can enroll them in Jujutsu Tech when the time is right," Satoru suggested. "And wouldn't the organization's members follow your command?"

Suguru nodded in agreement. "Some might, but others are questionable since their beliefs are the only reason they joined," he explained.

Satoru, undeterred, proposed a drastic course of action. "So then, eliminate them," he declared.

Akira was quick to express his reservations. "We can't just kill people," he protested.

Satoru countered firmly. "We can if they're criminals."

Suguru seemed to consider the idea, but Akira was quick to intervene. "Okay, let's not start this now. We have bigger things to worry about," he urged.

Satoru took charge of the plan, laying out the roles and responsibilities for each of them. "Leave the organization to me and Suguru. You need to put on an impressive act," he instructed.

Akira hesitated for a moment, absorbing the gravity of the situation before reluctantly nodding. "Well, what should I say when they question me?" he inquired, seeking guidance.

Satoru began to outline the fabricated story. "We'll say he got angry and violent when you tried to ask him for his reasons," he started, outlining the initial narrative. "That I tried to kill you until Satoru saved you and used—" Suguru interjected.

"Hollow Purple, "Satoru finished, filling in the specific details.

Akira grasped the plan's intricacies, nodding in agreement. "And the organization?"

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