Chapter 27

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Akira lay on his dorm bed, a facade of distress on his face, while Shoko and Yaga sat nearby, giving him space to recover. Yaga, inquisitive and concerned, broke the silence.

"So, Akira, what exactly happened?" he inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.

Akira looked up, feigning discomfort as he began to recount the events. "I asked him why he was doing what he was doing," he began, "He didn't seem to appreciate my question, so he tried to kill me," he explained, speaking in hushed tones.

Shoko, however, regarded him with a hint of suspicion. She raised an eyebrow and commented, "Is that so?"

Yaga sensed the tension between Akira and Shoko and asked her, "What's on your mind?"

Shoko hesitated for a moment before sighing and revealing her thoughts. "It's nothing," she said, though her tone suggested otherwise. "I just can't believe how much Suguru has changed," she remarked, her gaze penetrating Akira's.

As they prepared to leave Akira to rest, Shoko cast one last meaningful look in his direction.

With the door closing behind Yaga and Shoko, Akira heard Shoko's hurried footsteps approaching him. She wore a determined expression as she moved closer.

"Spill," she demanded, her voice carrying a tone that left no room for evasion.

Akira blinked, feigning innocence. "Spill what?" he replied, pretending not to understand her question.

Shoko didn't buy it, and she fixed him with an unwavering gaze. "Do you seriously expect me to believe that story you told Yaga?" she asked pointedly.

Akira hesitated for a moment before attempting to defend himself. "Shoko, I thought..."

But she cut him off, her doubt evident. "I don't believe for a second that Suguru would actually try to kill you," she asserted firmly.

Akira furrowed his brow, puzzled by her insinuations. "What are you getting at?" he questioned.

Shoko leaned in closer, her voice hushed. "Akira, how long do you plan on pretending?" she probed.

His eyes widened, and he flushed a deep shade of red as he realized what she was hinting at. "SHOKO!" he exclaimed, covering his face in embarrassment.

Shoko couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "See, you wouldn't be blushing like that if he had actually tried to kill you," she pointed out. "So, tell me what's really going on," she pressed, her tone softening as she sought the truth from her friend.

Akira listened to Shoko's words with a heavy heart. "It's not something I can say," he began, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and reluctance, "but I'll show you after everything cools off."

Shoko nodded, accepting his answer for the time being. But before she could respond, her phone rang suddenly. She answered the call, and her expression shifted through a range of emotions.

As she hung up, Akira couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

Shoko looked conflicted as she relayed the news. "Suguru is dead," she said, her voice laced with a heavy sadness and a hint of disbelief.


Akira stood outside the infirmary, anxiously waiting for Shoko to finish talking with Satoru. The situation felt eerily familiar, as if he had been in this exact spot not too long ago, waiting for Satoru to recover.

When the door finally opened, Akira looked up and saw Shoko emerging. She gestured for him to enter, and he nodded, walking past her into the room.

Beside Satoru's bed, Akira immediately slipped into his role. Tears welled up in his eyes as he asked, "What happened?"

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