Chapter 23

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Akira and Suguru found themselves standing in front of a charity event, a scene that left Suguru perplexed once more. He turned to Akira, seeking an explanation.

"They are raising money for people in need," Akira began, his voice filled with a sense of purpose.

He continued, addressing Suguru's earlier sentiments. "The same people who you hate so much are the same people who are doing more to help than the Jujutsu sorcerers," Akira pointed out.

Suguru listened, his confusion slowly giving way to understanding as Akira spoke. "You seem to forget that non-sorcerers are more vulnerable to the dangers of the world, and this can make them more empathetic and compassionate towards others," Akira explained.

Akira's words resonated with Suguru, and he began to see the bigger picture. "Those people who hurt Nanako and Mimiko were afraid. This gave them no right to hurt children, but not everyone is perfect," Akira added, acknowledging the complexities of human nature.

"Why now?" Suguru asked, his curiosity piqued.

Akira turned to Suguru, a hint of confusion in his expression.

"Why show me this now?" Suguru elaborated, seeking clarity.

Akira's response was thoughtful. "You were pretty adamant in your beliefs before," he began, "I wasn't sure if you would've listened."

Suguru's voice was soft as he whispered, "But I would've listened to you."

Akira's smile was gentle. "Plus, someone opened my eyes," he said, alluding to a change in his perspective.

Suguru's gaze shifted between Akira and the charity event. He was faced with a newfound awareness of the world beyond curses and sorcery.

"So what are you going to do now?" Akira asked, his curiosity mirrored in his eyes.

"I don't know," Suguru replied honestly. It was clear that his beliefs and convictions were undergoing a transformation.

Akira's smile remained, his amusement evident. "I don't know is good," he reiterated.

Suguru couldn't help but express his disbelief. "How is that good?" he questioned.

Akira chuckled. "You're finally thinking," he said with a teasing tone.

Suguru scoffed in response but then couldn't help himself, and he playfully pushed Akira.


As Akira and Suguru walked through the park in contemplative silence, Akira couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, waiting for Suguru to break the silence and share his thoughts.

Eventually, they found themselves sitting on a nearby bench, still wrapped in quiet introspection. Akira cast a sidelong glance at Suguru, noting the serious expression on his face as he folded his hands together.

Their reverie was interrupted by the sound of light footsteps approaching. Akira turned to see a young boy, roughly Megumi's age, chasing after a soccer ball. The boy had striking pink hair and gentle light brown eyes, his youthful innocence shining through.

The soccer ball came to a stop right in front of Akira's feet, a simple yet significant moment that drew their attention to the child's presence.

The little boy paused, his nervousness evident as he twiddled his fingers. "Ni-chan, can you pass me the ball, please?" he asked, a blush tinting his cheeks.

Akira couldn't resist the overwhelming cuteness of the moment. He smiled warmly at the young boy. "Of course," Akira replied as he bent down, retrieved the soccer ball, and walked over to the boy, who had his hands extending for the ball to be placed down.

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