Chapter 14

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Akira and Suguru found themselves seated on a nearby bench, silently observing the two girls, Nanako and Mimiko, as they played gleefully in the sandbox.

Curiosity got the better of Akira, and he turned to Suguru, his voice laced with intrigue. "Where did you find them?" he inquired, genuinely curious about the origins of the two girls.

Suguru glanced at Akira, his expression serious. "I rescued them on my last mission," he revealed.

Akira raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Suguru's choice of words. "Rescue?"

Suguru elaborated, his voice tinged with a somber tone. "The twins were imprisoned and beaten by the village elders because they were blamed for other people's deaths," he explained.

Akira's eyes widened in shock. "They hurt little girls?" he asked, his disbelief evident in his voice.

Suguru nodded gravely, confirming the disturbing reality. Akira turned his gaze back to the girls, his expression reflecting a deep sadness before he turned to Suguru once more, realization dawning in his eyes.

"Is that why you murdered the villagers?" he asked, a heavy question that hung in the air, demanding an answer.

"Yes," Suguru replied bluntly to Akira's question, his answer carrying the weight of the actions he had taken.

Perplexed by Suguru's justification, Akira couldn't help but press further. "But why?" he inquired, seeking to understand the reasoning behind Suguru's actions.

Suguru turned to face Akira, his expression unwavering. "What do you mean?" he countered, ready to defend his actions.

"You said that unnecessary killing was pointless," Akira reminded him, his voice tinged with doubt.

Suguru remained resolute. "It was necessary," he asserted firmly.

Akira wasn't ready to concede the point. "Was it? All those villagers were just afraid of what the girls—"

Suguru interrupted with a sharp retort. "So you're justifying them about to kill two children for something they have no idea about?" he challenged.

"I'm not justifying it," Akira replied. "If anything, you're justifying murdering an entire village," he pointed out, the tension between them growing palpable.

An uncomfortable silence settled between them, the tension palpable.

Finally, Akira broke the silence with a sigh. "Humans fear what they do not understand. It's not our place to decide who lives and who dies," he stated, emphasizing his belief in restraint and empathy.

Suguru responded with a hint of sarcasm. "Then who decides? Satoru?"

Akira continued to press the issue, unable to comprehend the source of Suguru's apparent resentment toward Satoru. "Was it with you and this sudden hatred for Satoru?" he questioned, his voice tinged with frustration.

Suguru's response was swift. "I don't hate him," he stated firmly.

Akira didn't seem convinced. "Oh really? Because I can't tell. You're blaming him for things that are out of his control," he pointed out.

Suguru remained resolute. "He can control it, though," he insisted. "He can MAKE them listen."

Akira responded with a heavy sigh, attempting to appeal to Suguru's sense of reason. "Violence isn't always the answer," he reasoned, but Suguru seemed unmoved.

"And even if he did manage to take control, not everyone will be on the same page," Akira added, emphasizing the practical challenges of Satoru's approach.

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