Chapter 35

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In the dimly lit room at the heart of the Jujutsu High headquarters, Satoru, Suguru, Akira, and Yaga stood in tense anticipation. The air was heavy with the weight of uncertainty, and every moment seemed to drag on endlessly as they awaited the judgment of the higher-ups.

Satoru, with his unruly white hair and piercing eyes, exuded an air of confidence that belied the anxiety gnawing at his core. He stood with his shoulders squared, a defiant posture that hinted at his readiness to defend Suguru's name with all he had.

Suguru, by his side, appeared composed on the surface, but his clenched fists betrayed the nervous energy within him. His sharp, calculating gaze darted between the austere figures of the higher-ups, searching for any hint of their decision.

Akira, usually calm and collected, had a subtle tension in his jaw as he gripped the documents in his hand. He glanced at Suguru and Satoru, silently reassuring them with a nod, a show of unity in their collective resolve.

Yaga, their sensei and pillar of support, maintained a stoic facade, his expression unwavering. But the steely determination in his eyes spoke volumes about his determination to stand up for Suguru and clear his name.

The room was fraught with anticipation, the silence only broken by the occasional rustling of papers or the subdued murmurings of the higher-ups in consultation. 

Each passing second felt like an eternity as they all braced themselves for the pivotal moment when the higher-ups would finally deliver their verdict regarding Suguru's fate.

The tension in the room seemed to stretch on indefinitely until one of the higher-ups, a stern-looking elder with a commanding presence, finally spoke up. 

His voice echoed through the room, cutting through the heavy atmosphere.

"We have reviewed the evidence presented and considered the circumstances," he began, his tone measured and deliberate. "It is clear to us that Suguru was indeed framed by Yukihira".

A collective sigh of relief swept through Satoru, Suguru, Akira, and Yaga. Their faces lit up with a mixture of joy and gratitude, and Satoru couldn't help but let out a triumphant grin.

The elder continued, "We acknowledge Suguru's innocence in this matter, and we offer our apologies for the false accusations."

Suguru's expression softened with a sense of vindication, and he nodded appreciatively. Akira couldn't contain his smile any longer, and he exchanged a relieved glance with Satoru.

Yaga, maintaining his stoic composure, inclined his head slightly. "Thank you for your trust in our judgment," he said respectfully.


Akira, Satoru, and Suguru stepped out onto the expansive training grounds of the school, reveling in the crisp, invigorating air that greeted them.

It was a welcome contrast to the suffocating atmosphere of the earlier meeting.

Satoru couldn't contain his exuberance and, with a playful nudge, asked Suguru, "How does it feel to finally be a free man?" His eyes sparkled with mischief, mirroring his light-hearted demeanor.

Suguru, still processing the recent turn of events, released a sigh of relief. He turned to Satoru, his expression a mix of disbelief and gratitude. "I didn't think this was actually possible," he confessed, his voice tinged with a sense of wonder. 

Akira joined the conversation with a smile. "It's like a second chance," he remarked, his eyes glinting with optimism. "We can focus on our training without this cloud hanging over us."

Satoru nodded enthusiastically, his energy infectious. "Absolutely! No more distractions or doubts," he declared, his steps quickening as if to emphasize his newfound sense of purpose.

Suguru couldn't help but smile, his shoulders relaxing further with each passing moment. "You guys have no idea how grateful I am for your support," he admitted, his voice filled with genuine emotion. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Akira glanced at Suguru with a reassuring smile. "We're always here for you," he said, his voice filled with unwavering support. "And from now on, we'll make sure nothing stands in your way."

Satoru playfully elbowed Suguru, his trademark grin firmly in place. "That's right. We're the unbreakable trio, after all," he teased, his confidence restored.

Suguru chuckled, his heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. "Unbreakable, indeed," he agreed.

A new voice interrupted their conversation, and the trio turned around to find Shoko standing there with her hand resting on her hip, a sly grin playing on her lips.

"Always leaving me out, huh?" she quipped, her tone a mix of teasing and mock indignation.

Akira raised an eyebrow, his expression a mixture of surprise and amusement. "Shoko, you always have a knack for showing up at just the right moment," he quipped.

Satoru chuckled, echoing Akira's sentiment. "It wouldn't be the same without you, Shoko," he remarked, his tone fond.

Suguru couldn't help but smile at their friend's unexpected appearance. "You're an essential part of our team, whether you like it or not," he teased, his eyes reflecting the warmth of their shared bond.

Shoko's grin widened, and she joined their walk, seamlessly blending into their group. As they continued down the path together.

Shoko turned her attention squarely to Suguru, her gaze searching for confirmation. "So, you're really free this time?" she inquired, a hint of skepticism in her tone.

Suguru met her gaze, his smile tinged with a touch of playful sarcasm. "Yeah," he replied, a twinkle in his eye, "hope you didn't miss me too much." 

His words carried a sense of relief and lightheartedness, finally free from the shadow of doubt that had loomed over him for so long.

Shoko's eyes rolled dramatically at Suguru's response, her smirk growing wider. "Oh, I was practically devastated without you," she retorted, her voice dripping with exaggerated sarcasm.

"I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I was just... I just can't live without you. Sounds like someone I know," Shoko continued, her gaze shifting towards Akira, who couldn't help but blush and avert his eyes.

Suguru, intrigued by Shoko's comment, perked up and questioned, "Huh?"

Satoru joined in with a playful glint in his eye, adding, "We've been stuck with this guy for too long. A little break might do us some good," he teased, earning a mock glare from Suguru.

Akira met Satoru's gaze, his cheeks still slightly flushed. "Well, I suppose we're all stuck with each other," he admitted, his tone warm and genuine, "and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Suguru, now fully immersed in the playful exchange, directed a sly look at Akira. "So, Akira," he began, a teasing glint in his eyes, "what's the secret to surviving without me?"

Akira, still a little flustered from Shoko's earlier comment, chuckled softly. "Well," he replied, his tone thoughtful, "I guess I've been practicing my independence." He glanced at Suguru with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting the deep bond they all shared.

Satoru couldn't resist adding to the jesting. "And we've been working on ways to keep him in check," he chimed in, earning a playful shove from Akira.

Shoko rolled her eyes again but couldn't hide the fondness in her expression. "As if you could ever get rid of Suguru," she remarked, her words carrying a sense of certainty. 

Satoru chuckled, delighted by the good-natured ribbing. "See, Suguru, you're irreplaceable," he remarked, his voice filled with warmth.

Suguru, touched by the genuine affection of his friends, felt a profound sense of gratitude. "I missed you all too," he confessed.

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