Chapter 36

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Akira, now older and more mature, emerged from the shower, water droplets glistening on his toned physique.

He grabbed a towel from the rack and skillfully wrapped it around himself, a sense of comfort and confidence evident in his every move.

Stepping up to the sink, he splashed water on his face, refreshing himself once more.

He couldn't help but smile as he examined his reflection in the mirror. His face radiated health and happiness, and his hair had grown longer.

After Suguru's exoneration, life had taken a turn for the better. The weight of uncertainty had been lifted, allowing them to pursue their dreams and desires freely.

Akira's contentment was a testament to the newfound sense of liberation they all shared.

Satoru and Suguru had decided to purchase their own place together.

Meanwhile, Akira had maintained his own residence, where Megumi, Tsumiki, and the twins resided.

However, in practice, it seemed that they all gravitated towards Satoru and Suguru's home, rendering Akira's place somewhat redundant.

Dressed and ready for the day, Akira descended the stairs and discovered Suguru comfortably seated on the couch, engrossed in his phone.

A faint blush dusted Akira's cheeks as he took in the sight of Suguru, the passage of time has brought subtle changes to each of them.

Approaching Suguru with a soft smile, Akira leaned in and planted a quick, affectionate peck on Suguru's cheek before heading toward the kitchen. "Breakfast?" he inquired, his voice filled with warmth.

Suguru, still absorbed in his phone, responded, "Just coffee, please."

Akira nodded, setting about the task of making coffee. The familiar routine brought a sense of comfort.

Once the coffee was ready, he carefully carried the steaming cup to Suguru, handing it to him with a gentle, loving touch, their hands briefly touching as Suguru accepted the warm, steaming cup.

Suguru looked up from his phone, his eyes meeting Akira's with gratitude. "Thanks," he said, his voice soft

Akira settled into the seat next to Suguru, and as if they had an unspoken understanding, Suguru opened his arms, inviting Akira into an affectionate embrace.

Akira leaned in, resting his head on Suguru's chest and placing a hand over his heart, finding solace in the familiar comfort of his heartbeat.

"Satoru's gone, again?" Akira inquired softly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Suguru nodded, his fingers gently running through Akira's hair. "Yeah," he replied with a sigh, his own emotions mirroring Akira's. "They've been giving him more missions lately."

Suguru leaned down, placing a tender kiss on Akira's forehead, a silent reassurance.

Akira let out a sigh, and Suguru turned his gaze down to him, concern evident in his eyes. "And you?" Suguru asked softly, his fingers still gently running through Akira's hair.

Akira let out a weary sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly, "I have to be at the school today. Maki, Inumaki, and Panda are sparring, and Shoko needs assistance," he explained with a hint of exhaustion in his tone.

"Have you heard from Nanami?" Akira inquired, concern for their friend's well-being evident in his voice.

Suguru nodded, providing an update on their missing friend. "He's working a corporate job," Suguru replied.

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