Chapter 20

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Akira reclined comfortably in the bathtub, its warm embrace enveloping his body, and idly played with the frothy bubbles. Each delicate motion of his soft hand sent ripples dancing across the water's surface. It was a moment of pure serenity, a respite he had been yearning for in the midst of life's chaos.

Unbeknownst to Akira, the door to the bathroom slowly creaked open, and in stepped Suguru. His entrance was silent, and he stood there, a silent observer, as he gazed upon the sight before him. 

Akira was lost in the blissful embrace of his bath, the tranquility of the moment washing over him. Suguru couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer contentment radiating from Akira.

The play of soft light from a nearby window danced upon the water's surface, creating an ethereal spectacle. The room was filled with a gentle hum of relaxation, an unspoken understanding that Akira needed this respite from the outside world. 

Akira's eyes fluttered open, and the surprise in his gaze was unmistakable as he locked eyes with Suguru.

"How long were you there?" Akira inquired, his curiosity tinged with a hint of amusement.

Suguru, taken aback for a moment, cleared his throat before responding, "Just a few seconds ago."

Akira, noticing the fatigue in Suguru's demeanor, didn't hesitate to extend an inviting gesture, "Why don't you join me?" he suggested, his tone earnest.

Suguru chuckled at first, thinking it might be a jest, but the sincerity in Akira's gaze made him reconsider, "You're serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Akira responded, his sincerity unwavering.

With a hint of shyness, Akira closed his eyes and covered them with his hands, assuring Suguru, "I won't look."

Suguru watched Akira for a moment, considering the offer, before he let out a sigh and began to peel off his shirt. He could feel the tension in his body melting away even before he stepped into the warm bathwater. It was as if the soothing ambiance of the room had the power to ease away the burdens of the day.

Once he was done undressing, Suguru carefully stepped into the tub, settling himself opposite Akira. As his body immersed in the relaxing warmth, he felt a wave of relief wash over him, the stress and stiffness dissipating with each passing moment. It was an unexpected but highly welcomed escape from the demands of everyday life.

With his eyes closed, Suguru leaned back, fully surrendering to the blissful experience. "I'm in," he said, a contented smile gracing his face, as he let the serenity of the moment embrace him completely. 

Akira slowly uncovered his eyes, and a soft, understanding smile graced his lips as he observed Suguru, finally at peace. 

In that moment, he realized that sometimes, words were unnecessary; their presence and shared tranquility said it all. 

Akira had a multitude of thoughts and feelings swirling within him, but he chose to let them remain unspoken, understanding that this serene interlude was a gift in itself.

The two friends basked in the quiet serenity of the bathroom, the warm water enveloping them, and the soothing silence creating a sanctuary of relaxation. 

As they continued to soak in the bath, their eyes occasionally met, sharing quiet exchanges that transcended words. It was in these glances that they found solace and a profound connection, a language only they understood. 


As the warm water in the bathtub turned chilly, Akira broke the peaceful silence with a practical suggestion, "We should get out now," he said, realizing that the soothing warmth of their bath had faded.

Suguru simply nodded, acknowledging the change in water temperature, and without any warning, he rose from the tub.

Akira's reaction was immediate, a startled "Ah!" escaping his lips as he hastily covered his eyes with his hands, taken off guard by Suguru's swift exit.

Suguru couldn't help but laugh at Akira's reaction, finding amusement in the situation. "What? It's nothing you haven't seen before," he teased, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he reached for a nearby towel.

Akira, still recovering from the surprise, slowly uncovered his eyes, his initial shock giving way to a playful pout. "You took my towel," he pointed out, his tone a blend of mock annoyance and amusement.

Suguru shrugged nonchalantly, his playful demeanor still in full swing. "You were too slow," he quipped, daringly holding Akira's towel hostage.

Akira bit his lower lip for a moment, contemplating his next move, before breaking into a mischievous smile. Suguru, suddenly feeling a hint of trepidation, watched curiously.

Without further ado, Akira rose from the water, water droplets glistening on his skin, and stepped out of the tub. Suguru couldn't help but be awestruck by the sight before him.

Standing in front of Suguru, Akira swiftly snatched the towel from Suguru's grasp and skillfully wrapped it around himself. He looked up at Suguru with an innocent expression, eyes sparkling with amusement.

"What? It's nothing you haven't seen before," he playfully remarked, before turning and walking out of the room, knowing full well that Suguru's eyes were undoubtedly following him. 


As Akira lay on his bed, his eyes closed, still wrapped in his towel, a whirlwind of emotions surged within him. His heart raced, and he struggled to calm the rapid beats. 

It was an unusual and bold move for him, the impromptu display in front of Suguru, and he couldn't help but wonder where this newfound confidence had come from.

With a heavy sigh, Akira adjusted his towel, which had begun to slip off, a gentle reminder of a night he couldn't forget. Memories of that one passionate night with Suguru flooded his mind. 

He longed for more than just that fleeting encounter, a desire that still burned within him. But the morning after had brought the harsh reality of Suguru's departure, leaving Akira with a sense of emptiness and longing.

As Akira lay there, lost in his thoughts and the memories that flooded his mind, his fingers traced a gentle path down his neck. The sensation sent shivers through his body as he recalled the soft, tender kisses that Suguru had placed on each spot. It was as if he could still feel the warmth of those affectionate gestures lingering on his skin.

His fingers continued their journey, now moving to his hair. With a delicate tug, he recreated the sensation of how he had tugged at Suguru's hair that passionate night. The vivid recollection of that intimate moment filled him with a mix of desire and nostalgia.

As Akira continued to reminisce, he couldn't help but long for the intimacy and connection he had shared with Suguru that night. The memory of their soft kisses, the way their bodies had intertwined, and the passion that had flowed between them left a deep ache in his heart.

He tugged at his hair once more, lost in the sensation and the memory of doing the same to Suguru. It was a gesture that had conveyed desire, trust, and a profound connection between them. Akira yearned for that closeness again, for the feeling of being desired and loved in such an intimate way.

But reality hung over him like a heavy cloud. Suguru had left him that morning, and the echoes of their one night together remained as a tantalizing but ultimately unfulfilled memory. Akira knew he couldn't dwell on the past forever, but in this vulnerable moment, he allowed himself to feel the depth of his longing, the bittersweet ache of a love that had left an indelible mark on his soul.

With a sigh, Akira slowly let go of his hair and opened his eyes. The room was awash in a gentle, diffused glow, casting a hushed ambiance that seemed to mirror the stillness of his troubled soul. 

As the tears welled up in his eyes, tracing a path down his cheeks like silent rivulets, Akira's hand instinctively rose to meet his quivering lips. It was a futile attempt to stifle the pained sounds threatening to escape his throat as he surrendered to the overwhelming emotions that had been pent up for far too long. 

Finally, in this vulnerable moment, he allowed himself to break down, embracing his tears.

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