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Still fluff
1245 words


Work finally ended and Yunho tried his best to fix himself up with the mirror in the back of his shop, never really caring this much about his looks before, but not being able to help it because of how handsome Mingi was.

The boy couldn't shake this lingering worry that when he walked out of the shop, Mingi wouldn't be there. Though he did trust him, his past relationships made him feel as though he might get stood up again.

So, when he saw the black Mercedes' parked out front, he let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

As Yunho was walking towards the car, Mingi got out and smiled at him, then went to the passenger side along with him, and opened the door, gesturing for him to get in, which he did, while blushing heavily.

"T-thank you.." He mumbled nervously, making Mingi chuckle a bit as he went to the drivers side and got in.

"Dinner sound good?"

"Yes please!" Yunho spoke excitedly, remembering the way his stomach had been rumbling since he skipped lunch because of extra orders.

Happy with the others eagerness, Mingi drove off to an outdoor restaurant with a view of the Han river.
The evening was spent, the two talking nonstop, being surprised with themselves at how much they had to say to one another.

That one date turned into two, then to three, then continuously learning more and more about each other. Whenever they would go out, people would stare, disgusted, thinking Mingi used Yunho as a toy when he got bored, as most mafias did with others. Little did they know, Mingi was falling hard for Yunho, and they both did their best to ignore the dirty looks.

One day, Mingi asked Yunho out, and it was normal at that point, but for some reason the older was hesitant to say yes that time. Mingi was nervous already, and the others uncertainty wasn't helping, but he convinced him, and they finally decided to meet up just before sunset, at the flower field near Yunhos house.

Mingi was already there when Yunho showed up, shifting his weight from his legs anxiously.

"H-hey Mingi.."

"Oh! Hi Yunho.."

They sat in an awkward silence for a little while until Mingi spoke again.

"I-I brought you some dahlias..You said they were rare, so I thought you might want to plant some and maybe more will grow too." He held out the bouquet of dahlias, all different colors, with the roots still attached.

The older took it delicately, "You rememb-" Mingi cut him off with a soft kiss, surprising Yunho, but he couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy it.

"I love you Yunho, please be my boyfriend." The boys eyes teared up.

"M-Mingi I can't.." A single tear escaped and fell down his cheek, but Mingi wiped it away quickly.

"Why Yunho..why?" He sounded almost desperate, and he honestly was. Yunho was his entire life at that point.

"M-my parents found out. They told me never to speak with you again. I thought you should know...that's why I came here."

"I understand your parents Yunho, I really do, but there isn't anything I wouldn't do to make you mine. I'm quite serious when I say that I love you, and I won't back away easily."

Yunho burst into tears and collapsed in Mingis arms, as the other let him cry for as long as he needed.
Eventually, his cries became sniffs, and he pulled away from Mingi, though the younger still kept a tight grip on his waist.

"Yunnie, do you love me too?"

"Y-yes...I really love you Mingi. I don't want to have to leave you." A few more tears fell.

"Don't you think that should be enough? I'll never hurt you, I'll never make you sad, and I'll always be there for you in every way possible."

"But my parents will never believe that. They still think I'm just a child."

"No matter what they think, you always have me. I can give you a place to stay, food to eat, and most importantly, all the love in the world."

"Thank you Mingi, for everything."

"Of course. I only ask for one thing in return..."


Without warning, Mingi leaned in again and kissed Yunho, this time with a bit more passion than the first, to which Yunho complied, loving the feeling.
After a bit, they pulled away and laughed lightly, placing their foreheads together in complete happiness.

"Come back home with me?"


"It's okay baby, I'll talk to your parents myself, just stay with me for tonight, I wanna cuddle you." The older blushed then shyly nodded in agreement. With that, Mingi took his hand and the two walked back to Mingis car, then drove to the mansion.

"Wahhhhhhh, this place is so big! And so nice too!"

"All the best for you." Mingi said, grabbing his waist, getting a couple soft punches on the chest in response.

"Don't say thatttt you already had this place before you met meee!" The boy whined, but Mingi just found it cute.

"Maybe so, but you know I'd move to wherever you want, I'd build you your dream house anywhere in the world you choose, so tell me if this place isn't satisfactory."

Yunho only blushed and dragged Mingi inside to cover it up, being even more amazed by the interior.

Later that night, while Yunho was asleep in Mingis arms, the younger boy grabbed his phone and slid carefully off the bed, calling Yunhos parents, which he got the number from Hongjoong.

His parents had been awake, worried about their son, but Mingi explained everything to them. He also explained to them how much he loved and cared for Yunho, convincing them that he would treat the boy like the most important person in his life, because he was.

Eventually he was able to get them on their side, flattering them so much they even agreed to let Yunho live with him.

The next morning, Yunho woke up lying on Mingis chest, and smiled as he stared at the boy, until he opened his eyes, startling the other, who was about to move, but Mingi held onto his waist.

"H-how long were you awake...?"

"For as long as you've been staring. I've learned to wake up when someone's looking at me Yunho, I'm a mafia remember?"


"Let's go get some breakfast now baby."

"Uh-um-uh yeah, okay."


The two had been dating for about a month when Mingi walked in on Yunho holding his gun while looking at it.

When Mingi entered the bedroom, Yunho held the gun up to him, safety on of course, but Mingi didn't know that.

"Y-Yunnie, what are you doing?"

"You stole something very important from me Mingi."


"Who gave you the right to take my heart away?"
Mingi internally sighed in relief and happiness upon hearing that.

"Yunho I-" he reached into his blazer pocket on the left side of his chest and pulled out a finger heart, "I love you."

Yunho dramatically stumbled around at the gesture and the two ended in laughter, knowing then that they'd be together always and forever.

I love yungi fluff seriously like they are so adorable help🥺 I hope you liked it
Bye everyoneeee <3

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