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Cutie Seongjoong
1348 words


Seonghwa had been worried all day, not able to focus much on his work or anything else, constantly checking his phone, he was a mess. Why? His best friend Hongjoong was sick.

The two lived together, but somehow Hongjoong managed to hide his illness from Seonghwa, who only noticed that very morning and insisted that the younger stay home and rest. He felt horrible leaving him all alone, and knew he'd most likely not rest and work as much as he could, as that was just how he was, but he had no choice since his boss was sick of him taking days off or being late, so he was on thin ice.

Hence him frantically checking for the millionth time to see if Hongjoong texted him for anything, which he hasn't, figured.

"Mr. Park?"....... "Mr. Park?" Seonghwa was too lost in his worry and stress to notice anything. "Mr. Park!" His boss almost yelled, getting the attention from cubicles near Seonghwas.

"Y-yes Mr. Lee?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"N-no not at all!"

"I suggest you go home." Of course he declined the offer, but his boss didn't want him there if he wasn't even going to be able to focus, so he eventually got him to leave, which he did hastily and got home as soon as he could.

Was it a little weird how much he was worrying for Hongjoong even though the sickness wasn't that serious? Maybe...but you must understand, Seonghwa is head over heels for his best friend, and has always wanted to be more than just that. He worried for the boy more than anyone else, and hated seeing him sick, sad, in pain, etc.

As he rushed home, he picked up some ingredients for soup, as well as some medicine, which he knew Hongjoong hated, but he also knew he could get him to take some anyways.

Soon enough he was bursting in the door excitedly, yet still worried as he threw the grocery bag on the table and ran to Hongjoongs room. Though he somewhat expected it, he sighed as he saw the boy not in his bed. What he didn't expect was to see, as he was walking back to the kitchen, was his door cracked open, and when he went in, Hongjoong was lying on his bed with a hoodie and shorts on, the hoodie belonging to Seonghwa.

The older just sat and stared for a good minute, savoring the adorable view in front of him, till he realized that the covers weren't on and his room was always cold, so he ran to the bed and gently lifted Hongjoongs legs up, sliding them under the blanket then turning to leave, but he felt a hand on his.

"Hwa.." He coughed quietly, "stay and cuddle please?"

"Aw, of course baby." The word just slipped out, but Joong didn't seem to notice, as he scooted over and made room for Seonghwa, who carefully got in as the smaller was still half asleep.

The next hour was spent cuddling as Hongjoong fell in and out of sleep, sometimes his fever getting higher, other times him getting cold and needing more cuddles. Whatever is was that he needed, though, Seonghwa got, until he finally realized that the stuff he bought was still sitting on the counter.

"Joongie baby," The smaller hummed, "I'm going to make you some soup and get your medicine. I'll be back soon alright?"

"Noooooo," He whined, still half asleep, "I don' wan' you to go." Seonghwa only chuckled, then leaned over and kissed his forehead.

"I won't be long I promise." With that, he stood up and walked to the kitchen, leaving Hongjoong wide awake and blushing heavily, as one would if his crush did the same thing.

'Oh my freaking goodness he kissed my forehead?! Am I hallucinating? I really am sick! There's no way! But what if he did? Does he like me back? He couldn't, I'm his best friend. Then again he has shown interest in both boys and girls before, but he never talks about his crushes to me. Either wayyyyyy even if he doesn't like me he still kissed meeeee ksjdksmksjdkdn'

While he was having a mental conversation with himself, Seonghwa was by the stove, unintentionally letting the soup boil too much as he was lost in his thoughts. 'What will he think? Is he okay with the kiss? Did he like it? Was he even awake enough to remember it? What if he hates me now? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? I've been getting too confident ever since he came out ughhhhh he's probably madddd you idiotttt!'

When he finally noticed the soup, he turned the burner off and dished some into a bowl for Hongjoong, grabbing the medicine as he took it to his room.

"Joong," he walked in, "I made you some soup, b-but first you have to take your medicine." Hongjoong was still blushing from earlier, and Seonghwa found it absolutely adorable, the way his cheeks and ears were so red.

"A-alright." The boy whispered, allowing Seonghwa to open the bottle and feed him a small amount, as he twisted his face up in disgust.

"Does it taste bad?" He nodded, "Here, have some soup to wash it down." Joong obviously agreed, always loving Seonghwas cooking no matter what it was he made. And it was indeed delicious, so much so that he asked for seconds.

"Of course baby, wait here." Seonghwa didn't know why he kept letting that word slip out, but he couldn't help it. It still scared him that Hongjoong would be uncomfortable though.

He got another bowl and took it to Hongjoong, but before the boy took a bite, he placed the bowl on the nightstand and was spoke. "Hwa?"

"Yes Joong?"

"W-why do you keep c-calling me b-baby...and why d-did you ki-kiss me?" The older froze, not knowing what to do or say in response to that question. "I-I don't m-mind it...I like it..." Hongjoong whispered, seeing Seonghwas reaction.


"Y-you can c-call-ughhh!" He hid his face in his hands, embarrassed at what he was saying.

"Joong, calm down," Seonghwa grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face, "what is it you're trying to tell me?"

"Ilikeitwhenyoucallmebaby.....and w-when you k-kiss me..."

"So you like me?" He shook his head, and Seonghwas heart dropped, along with his smile.

"I-I love you, Seonghwa."

"Are you joking with me Hongjoong? Don't you dare lie."

"No, I really really love you, and not like a friend..I want to be your baby and I want you to kiss me." He didn't have to say anything more for Seonghwa to lean in and place his lips on Hongjoongs, moving them slowly and passionately, a kiss full of the concealed love both had for each other.

It slowly got more intense as Seonghwa grabbed his waist and sucked lightly on his bottom lip, entering when he opened his mouth slightly.

When they finally pulled away, both were a bit messy, but neither minded.

"I love you too Joong."

It didn't take long after that for Seonghwa to develop a cough too, which became a more mild version of the sickness Hongjoong had, but he really didn't care, because it just gave him more reason to lie in bed with his now boyfriend all day, still taking care of him, but maybe possibly letting himself be taken care of. Both felt a lot of love from each other, love that they'd wanted to show for so long but couldn't, and now that they could, they did, to the fullest extent.

Can't tell if I like it or hate it but heyyyy I'm updating before I thoughttttt! I think my next chap will me minsung smut btw bc someone requested it but I can't remember who I'm sorryyyyyy!

I hope you guys liked this more than me! Bye everyoneeeee<3

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