The Business Deal-seungin(pt2)☁️

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Fluff hehe
Dom Seungmin like before
1590 words


The morning after his one night stand, Jeongin had woken up sore, as expected from the night before. But on top of that, he woke up sad.

It annoyed him, all weekend he felt upset. He knew from the beginning that he'd never see 'Min' again. Heck he didn't even know his full name. So why did he have to be so depressed?

On Monday, having to go back to work definitely didn't help with how he was feeling, but he had no choice. So he got dressed and left the house, taking the bus to his office building.

See, Jeongin worked at Choi Industries, which had been going well up until that year, when stocks unexpectedly went down

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See, Jeongin worked at Choi Industries, which had been going well up until that year, when stocks unexpectedly went down. The problem wasn't too bad, but it was enough for the boss to start looking into partnerships.

So, when he walked in that morning, he was almost immediately called to the boss's office, along with his two best friends, Jisung and Felix, and a few other employees.

"Good morning everyone, I hope your day is going well so far?" The boss only got a few nods, "Well, you understand I've been looking for businesses to parter with, and today, I have found one I think will work very well. Kim Co. has agreed to meet with us today, the modeling department specifically, because as you know, that's what we focus on here. That said, be in the meeting room at 2:00 pm, and do come prepared with anything they have to say or ask."

Everyone in the room nodded, bowed, and left, going back to their own work. Jeongin, Felix, and Jisung, however, made their way to the kitchen together.

"Yah, where did you go on Friday??" Felix asked as he started on a coffee.

"Just home, I wasn't in the mood to dance or drink."

"Then why didn't you answer the phone?" Jisung butt in.

"I was tired, leave me alone hyungggg." He whined. Of course, there was nothing wrong with telling them about his one night stand, but he thought they'd laugh at him if he said he wanted to see the guy he was with that night again.

"But seriously, you missed out on a lot. I landed a hottie!" The oldest of the three almost yelled.

"Yeah I'm jealous, he was all over you. If only I had someone pining for me that way."

"If only.." Jeongin whispered, getting upset at how easily 'Min' left him, then remembering his final words.


"Will we ever meet again?"

"If we're supposed to, then yes. If not, then..allow me to do one last thing." Before another word could be spoken, Seungmins lips were on Jeongins, kissing him gently, his hands on his cheeks.

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