Just a fan-yungi(pt 2)☁️

912 31 19

Still fluff
Still dom Mingi
1874 words


Mingi woke up in the morning to a loud knock on his door. At first he was mad, but when he saw the time, he widened his eyes and rushed to get up. Apparently he'd slept through all of his alarms.

As he opened the door, he was met with the annoyed face of his manager. "Mingi, the interview is in 10 MINTUES!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't wake up to my alarm.."

"Aishhh you're lucky I'm in a good mood today. They pushed it back, but only for thirty minutes, so come on, we need to get you ready." He grabbed the boy to the car and they sped to the company, getting Mingi all ready for the group interview, in which his members were already at and ready for.

Mingi quickly apologized to everyone he made wait, including his teammates and they started the interview, but he couldn't bring himself to pay any attention. All he could think about was the fact that Yunho, being such a big fan, would probably watch it the moment it's out, which should be a few hours after it's finished.

The thought of him just made him smile, thinking yet again about the night before.



"They asked you a question." Jongho, who was beside the boy, whispered to him.

"Oh..oh! Sorry I didn't hear you, can you repeat the question?" He asked the staff.

And that's how it went for majority of it, to the point they just avoided asking Mingi anything.

Yunho did watch the interview right when it came out, after it was edited and all that of course. He immediately noticed how often his bias stared off into space, and it only became more evident when they had to keep repeating questions. Because of that, though nervous, he DM'd him.

'Hey, are you okay?'

The response was quicker than Yunho expected, but it's not like he was complaining.

'Yeah I'm fine, why?'

'I just watched the interview'

'Figured you would ;)'

'Seriously Mingi why'd you zone out
so much??'

'Cause of you..'

'This is no time to flirt!!'

'But I'm being serious yuyuuuuuu
I couldn't get my mind off you, that's
why I was so out of it'

Yunho stared at his phone, unable to move as he read and re-read the text.


'Yes! I really loved talking to you last night'

I mean I did too, but why?'

'Well why did you?'

'That's differentttttt'


'Cause you're my idolll I'm literally
in love with youuuu'

'It's a bit soon in the relationship
to be confessing love don't you think?'

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