Hold Me-jongsang💧☁️

930 31 59

Little space with Yeosang as the little
Use of the word daddy, and idk why but I love using Eomma and appa even tho that's Korean and daddy is English
A little sad here and there but sweet for the most part
5255 words


When Yeosang was young, his parents fought on the daily. It had happened for as long as he could remember, they'd get angry at the most useless things and yelled at each other whenever in a five meter radius.

You'd think, maybe that would get him used to yelling, maybe it would make him a yeller himself but no, he was very shy and soft spoken, and he couldn't handle it when anyone raised their voice.

In fact, being exposed to it, he found himself regressing whenever he heard it, at least when it was true anger, different from the way Wooyoung liked to scream. At first, he didn't understand what would happen to him, he'd just realize how small he felt, how small he wanted to be. He'd think and act like a small child, his mind only occasionally helping so he didn't do anything rash.

But after it happened a few times, he looked it up, understanding that he could be triggered into little space, as well as was able to regress when the stress of being an adult got too much.

Since then, he'd learned to keep things like his favorite plushies, a pacifier, and a sippy cup close, but safely hidden, not wanting his members to find out about this little fact. He'd talked to them early on about how he couldn't easily handle yelling, and they all respected it and promised not to raise their voices at, or around him.

Yeosang sat down at the table, smiling as Seonghwa placed a bowl of breakfast soup in front of him, and was ready to dig in, when the front door slammed open. The noise made him jump, turning just in time to see San entering, Wooyoung hot on his trail.

"San-ah, I swear."

"I don't want to hear it."


"I know what I saw! Don't give me some shit excuses!"

Seonghwa was quick to step in, Yeosang already shaking in his chair.

"What's going on here?"

"Wooyoung kissed Hongjoong."

"San I-"

"Square on the mouth, not just a peck."

"W-woo..?" After confiding in him with his long time crush on the leader, this was the last thing Seonghwa expected.

"Would you let me speak!"

"I already told you I don't want to fucking hear it Wooyoung! Nothing could make that okay!"

The commotion had everyone else shuffling into the room, save for Hongjoong and Jongho, all too invested in what the couple were yelling about to notice as tears filled Yeosangs eyes, trying his best to fight slipping in front of them all.

It only got louder as each of them picked sides, some wanting Wooyoung to be given a chance to explain, others mad at the thought. That caused them to all fight amongst each other, the five of them sounding like a heard of elephants, bringing a now little Yeosang into a near panic attack.

"P-pwease~" He whispered, going unheard but to his own covered ears. "Pwease s-stop~" Tears streamed freely down his cheeks, hands pushing so hard against his ears it hurt, but he could still hear them all loud and clear.

Jongho opened the door to the dorm, just coming back from the convenience store, only to be met with the sound of his members arguing. The memory of Yeosang, looking so shy as he approached him, asking not to raise his voice, flashed in his mind, and he threw his bag on the floor, running towards the source of the yelling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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