Seven Minutes-chanmin(pt 1)☁️

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Dom Chan
1323 words


Seungmin and Jeongin had been friends since they were in diapers. It had always been just the two of them, no one could come in between them. Now Seungmin kinda figured there was some mutual agreement not to add others to their duo, especially seeing as how that's how it was for their first 17 years of friendship, so he was definitely not expecting Jeongin to drag him over to some random people at lunch one day.

"Cmon Min they've been waiting forever, stop making me drag you!" Yes, he was literally dragging Seungmin, who didn't want to go, towards the table.

"Innie I don't need any other friends, just go sit with them I'll sit in the library!"

"If you're that set on not being friends, then just sit there in silence, but at least come! I don't wanna be alone, they're best friends, it'll be awkward."

"You're lucky I love you." Jeongin just smiled and the two walked the rest of the way to the table.

When they arrived, the last thing Seungmin expected was to find what was probably the most handsome, ideal, beautiful boy he'd ever laid eyes on. Nor did he expect a smaller, cute, sunshine boy clinging onto him, honestly making the two look a little like boyfriends. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't slightly discouraged, but he contradicted himself, saying he shouldn't feel that way just because the boy was so pretty.

The next ten minutes of introductions, Seungmin wanted to be paying attention, but the world kind of drowned out as he continued to stare at the boy, not even hearing his name, only paying attention to his voice. Unfortunately, that led him to continue believing that him and the sunshine boy were dating.

Eventually, Jeongin snapped him out of his daze. "Have you even heard a word any of us has said? I've been calling your name for the past five minutes!"

"O-oh, sorry...can you repeat your names?"

"It's fine! I'm Felix! This is Chan, he's been my best friend since we were, like, five." His smile never left his face as he spoke, seeming to literally brighten the entire cafeteria.

"I can introduce myself lixie," Chan chuckled, "but yes, my name is Chan, well, Christopher, but you can call me Chan." Seungmin stared for a moment more, getting slightly lost in his voice again, before realizing all three were staring at him.

"Ah-um-uh-oh um yeah, my name is Seungmin." Both Jeongin and Felix looked at the two, then at each other, trying to hold in their giggles. Even so, they didn't break eye contact, and kept staring for what seemed to be forever, but obviously wasn't, since Felix spoke up soon after.

"Innie, remember that, um, book we had to get for our-that one project?"

"Huh?? O-oh! Yeah yeah! You two, we'll be back soon, keep each other company!" The two ran off, laughing and whispering to each other the whole time.

"What the actual heck." Seungmin whispered under his breath, mad that Jeongin left him after saying he didn't even have to talk the entire lunch period. On top of that, he left him with Chan, the prettiest boy, like, ever.

"Um...that was a bit weird."

"Y-yeah.." he thought for a minute how to make conversation, "oh, um, you said your name was Christopher right?" Chan nodded, "Are you foreign then?"

"Yeah, I was born in Australia, but I came here in 2011. Felix came a few years later."

"That's so cool! So you speak English?"

"Uh, yeah, it's my first language." Seungmin immediately got shy after that, embarrassed at himself for asking such an obvious thing. "You're really cute, you know that?" If he wasn't shy before he definitely was now. He suddenly hid his face in his sweater paws, maybe because of how red it had become.

"I just called you cute Seungmin, why would you hide your face?"

"Sh-shut up!" He tried to sound serious but it sounded more like a whine, since he was so nervous, and Chan found it even more cute.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry. But please, don't hide your face from me, it's adorable, I wanna see it." Though he was still blushing, Seungmin lowered his hands slowly, only to see Chan smiling genuinely at him.

Though they eventually moved on from that, Chan didn't go a second without thinking how cute the younger was, and just ended up learning more about each other. At times, they teased each other, but that, in a way, made them closer. By the time the bell rung, both boys had most obviously developed a crush, though both also knew it would become more than that soon, with the way they felt around each other. And honestly, Chan had already had a crush on the younger for so long.

"I wonder where the heck those two are." Chan said as the two walked out of the cafeteria.

"Same! I'm still mad at Jeongin for leaving me."

"Oh, so you didn't want to talk to me?"

"W-what? I-I never said that!"

"Wait then you did?"

"I didn't say that eitherrrrr!" The boy kept whining, and Chan kept teasing him until they got to their next class.

"Wait, you have math too??" Seungmin kept asking himself how in the world he managed not to notice the breathtaking boy before.

"Yeah, but I'm not surprised you don't know me, you never pay attention in math, you're talking with Jeongin the whole time."

"Hey! I still have a good grades, I just do the work at home. did you know that?"

"Min, the unobserved observe others, I know pretty much everyone in this class, but most don't know me." Maybe what Chan said made Seungmin a little sad, only because he wanted to be more important, more seen in Chans eyes. But he was, entirely. Seungmin was the only one Chan 'observed', what he said was just a lie to not expose himself.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go sit down, Jeongin should be here soon." The older noticed his mood change, and really hoped that it was because of what he said, because that would infer that he liked him.


Oddly enough, the same thing happened the next few days. Felix and Jeongin would suddenly have some place to be, leaving Seungmin and Chan alone for lunch, and now that they knew about being in each other's math class, they also interacted there.

One day, Seungmin was on the phone with Jeongin and brought it up.

"Why do you keep leaving the cafeteria with Felix everyday?"

"So you and Ch-I right! I forgot to tell you! Sleepover at my house tomorrow, Felix and Chan are coming! Oh my goodness is that my mom calling me? I'd better go now bye Min!" With that, he hung up. Seungmin wouldve been mad and curious, if he wasn't so worried about what pajamas to wear.

'What if I'm not supposed to come with pajamas? What if I change into them? But then I'll have to pick an outfit and pajamas! Ughhh this is annoying! Chan why must you do this to meeee?!'

Later that night he was texted the time, as well as told to just wear pajamas. He didn't need anything else since he'd slept over there so many times before, so he took an hour or two finding the perfect sleepwear, then actually getting into some and heading to bed, more than just nervous for the next day.

I didn't mean to make it so long, but it happened, so I'm splitting it up. Next chap should be published tmr!

Also Omggg guys I need more requestsssss I have no ideas anymore since I don't have enough free time to think about imagines

Anygays so um yea bye everyoneeee<3

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