More than anything-jongsang☁️

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"Y-you really have no choice?" Yeosang sniffled, playing with his fingers as he fought the tears begging to escape his eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby, I'd stay if I could, you know that."

"B-but in all those movies, long distance doesn't work." Jongho lifted his face and wiped the single year he saw.

"This isn't a movie, Sangie. It's you and me, and I love you. I don't care what the movies say, I say that we will be just fine. I trust you, and I know you trust me too."

His pouting lip quivered, as he launched into Jonghos arms, holding tight and knowing that when he let go he'd only want more.

"Let's head to your house and cuddle for a bit, 'kay?" He nodded, allowing the younger to take his hand as the two walked back.

Only weeks later, one fine March morning, and Yeosang is seeing Jongho and his mom off at the airport. She had to go to America for whatever reason, most likely to get away from Jonghos dad, as they were salty after the divorce. Jongho being a minor, still 17, couldn't stay back, unless to stay with mentioned dad, who was homophobic and completely against him and Yeosang.

As for his mom, she loved both of them, sometimes it seemed Yeosang more than him. She felt bad taking her son away from the one he loved, especially with how much they were crying and hugging at the gate, but the plans were set, and she couldn't stay back at that point.

"I'll be back before you know it Yeosangie. Don't stress yourself out and don't study too hard."

"Stop talking to me like that, I can't handle it." He pouted, and his boyfriend only kissed him, before holding his waist and lying his head down on his shoulder, swaying them a bit.

"I'm sorry baby. I promise, I won't be long."

"You better not." Jongho chuckled and pulled away, one hand coming up to hold his cheek as he slowly leaned closer.

The rest of the world was forgotten as their lips touched, all their emotions pouring into each other like a beautiful, wordless waterfall. Yeosang found that more tears left his eyes, but the younger was quick to catch them, his movement not faltering as the passionate kiss continued. Their tongues danced to a sad ballad playing in their heads, but there was distinct fondness, clear love.

The first few days were hell, and Yeosang was sure that if he didn't have Jongho FaceTiming him so often, he'd have gone crazy already.

As weeks went by, they weren't able to speak daily, but their love never failed to show through the numerous, long calls and multiple texts.

Missing his boyfriends touch, the older allowed Wooyoung to hug and cuddle him more often, and didn't even try as hard to get away from the constant kisses he gave literally all of his friends.

One thing bothered him more than anything else though. He didn't know when Jongho would be back.

Of course they were okay for as long as it had been, only a few months then, but imagine Jongho was gone for years. If he got a job in America. Or decided he likes it better there. Maybe even found someone to snuggle up to when he didn't have Yeosang to do so. And no, he wasn't doubting his trust in Jongho, he was doubting his confidence in himself.

It was quite especially getting to him one August afternoon, as he lay in his bed, having been there all day. Somehow, tears were flowing down his cheeks, though he thought he'd cried himself dry long before.

A knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts, which were threatening to eat him alive, and he heard a voice before he could stand up to open it.

"Sangie, you alright in there? Jongho said you haven't been answering your phone.." Seonghwas worried voice asked from the other side.

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