Chapter 47

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A/N: Hello! Guys!!!! I think there's only going to be one chapter left 😭 and an epilogue, but yeah! this series is coming to an end, and I'm seriously going to miss it so much. I hace loved this serious so so much, but I am excited for it to finally have an end. I hope you've enjoyed! Now onto today's chapters (I haven't edited it. I will at a later time! ❤️) Love you all so much! Remember to vote and comment!! -Torixx

-Harry's P.O.V

"Alright. They can't be cooped up in here any longer," Lizzie just had a full blown temper tantrum over nothing, and I just needed to get her out of this motel room.

She was laying across my chest now, still crying over who knows why.

"Harry, we have no idea where we are," Gemma explained. "I'd say yes to just taking her out, but what if something happens, and then I can't find you?"

"Come with me? It's not like i'm taking them far. Jus trying to find a park or something so she can get stretch her legs," I said, gesturing towards Lizzie who cried quietly.


"Lizzie, wanna go to the park?" She whined and nodded in response. "Go get your shoes," She got off the bed and grabbed her light-up sneakers, returning to me for help. The older kids also got their shoes on and just waited for me as I helped my youngest daughter out her shoes on. I strapped her velcro shoes then stood up with her on my hip. Despite having twins not long ago, I felt healthy and was okay to pick up my daughter.

"Should we drive?" Gemma asked.

"Probably. Do you guys want to walk or drive?" I asked my older kids.

"Walk!" I was surprised. "I remember there was a park that way," Jamie pointed eastward. I nodded, and the five of us headed in that direction.

"Can I get down?" Lizzie asked. I set her down and she ran up to catch up with her older siblings, holding her big brother's hand. Anna seemed somewhat better today. Still sad, obviously, but I think she was just happy to get out of the motel room and to enjoy the sun.

"Aunt Gemma, look," Anna stopped walking to look back at Gemma and myself who were quite a few feet behind them. She pointed to a puppy.

"Oh my goodness," My sister gushed. We were just approaching the park when we saw the puppy. He was just wandering alone by himself. "He's all alone,"

"It's a puppy!" Lizzie shrieked, taking off in the direction of the puppy.

"Lizzie!" I yelled, hurrying after her, the two of us approaching the lonely puppy who was shivering. He was skinny, you could see his ribs. "Oh you poor thing," The little puppy looked like a stray moments from death.

"We can't leave him out here," Gemma said. "He'll starve," Despite his malnourishment, his little tail wagged at all of us. What a sweetie.

"Yeah, he can't be out here," I said, picking up the little puppy.

"Can we keep him?!" Anna gasped, trying to take the puppy from me. I handed him over, watching as the sweet dog licked her face, making her giggle and laugh. I almost hesitated to say yes, but after seeing Anna so sad the las few days, and then seeing her actually genuinely happy with this puppy, I felt like this is what she needed to help cheer her up. Louis might be mad, but that was a problem for a different day. Right now, I just wanted to see my daughter happy.

"Sure," She squealed and kissed the puppy over and over. The brown and white puppy attacked her face in kisses.

"You have to name him," Gemma told her.

"Can we all name him?" Jamie asked. I nodded. 

We sat in the middle of the field we were in, the kids coming up with names left and right, disagreeing with everything each other was saying.

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