Chapter 38

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Hello! Happy New Year everyone! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. My winter break is almost over, and I'm just so sorry that I haven't updated more. I've been working so much, and it's really become exhausting. So, I honestly just didn't get around to writing. I had no energy. I feel like this book is coming to an end soon. I have no idea how many chapters I think are left, but the end is coming soon! I'll give you guys a heads when I know. But for now, enjoy! And let me know some of your 2022 resolutions! My main goal for this year is to get a new car! Also, don't forget to comment and vote!! Love you guys! -Tori :) 

-3rd P.O.V

"Daddy?" Anna whispered late that night. It was midnight and Anna woke up to noises outside. She peaked out there and only saw the few police cars outside her house, the ones that were there to look after the family.

Louis and Harry were both fast asleep in their room, both facing each other.

"Daddy," Anna said a little louder. Nothing. She approached Louis, who was faced away from her, and shook him gently. Louis slowly woke up. "Daddy?" She said again. Louis sighed tiredly and turned to face his daughter.

"Hey, sweetie. What's wrong?" he asked after glancing at the clock that said 2:32.

"There's noises outside," He opened his arms for a hug. She leaned down and hugged him, allowing him to engulf her. He kissed her head.

"I'm sure it's nothing sweetheart, you've had a rough few days," She frowned

"No, Daddy. I think there's something outside,"

"Want me to go check it out?" She nodded, so Louis let go of their hug and stood up. Harry woke up from the noise and the movement coming from Louis. He rubbed his face and turned to lay on his back.

"What's going on?" He asked, his voice all groggy from waking up.

"There's noises outside," Anna told him.

"What kind of noise," He asked and sat up.

"Dunno," She replied and climbed onto the bed, laying next to Harry.

"Is it coming from outside your window?" Louis asked, which Anna nodded. "alright, i'll go check it out," Louis walked into Anna's room and opened her window to look outside. He looked everywhere but saw nothing. He even went downstairs to check outside, but still, there was nothing. It was raining a bit, so perhaps it was the rain.

He returned upstairs and climbed into bed. Anna was still cuddled with Harry.

"I didn't see anything, baby," Anna frowned, still clinging onto Harry.

"I promise I heard something," Harry kissed her head.

"I believe you sweetheart, but I don't think it was anything serious. That's all," She didn't move. "Are you staying in here tonight?" She nodded her head.


"Alright, we'll goodnight,"

"Night Daddy, g'night Dad,"

"Goodnight," Harry said. "Love you,"

"Love you too," The three fell asleep

The following morning, Elizabeth came barging in with a huge package in her arms. it was only 8:00am and the three still wanted to sleep. But toddlers often made that impossible.

"Dada!" Harry, Louis, and Anna all groaned and woke. Harry was the first to make eye contact with his daughter.

"Whoa. Whatcha got there?" He asked and sat up so he could take the box from her.

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