Chapter 14

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-Louis' P.O.V

Adrianna and I decided head to the mall to find a Christmas gift from her to Harry. She asked me if she could get him something, so I couldn't deny her of that. I'd probably take Lizzie and Jamie out at some point, too, just not today. She sat in the backseat of Harry's car (since mine was totaled) and looked out the window, just watching the trees and all that.

"You okay back there?" I asked.

"Mhm," She replied. She looked like she was thinking about a lot of things, and I knew my dad was the main thing, and I felt terrible.

"Baby," I said, glancing at her as I stopped at a red light. She looked away from the window and looked at me. "You sure you're okay?" She nodded again. "You know you can tell me anything right? Because I love you?" She nodded again, looking down at her lap. "Hey," The light turned green, so I sighed and turned around, driving to our destination. We got to the mall, and I stepped out. My daughter got out of the car and walked beside me as we went inside. I put an arm around her and kissed her head. "Did you have any ideas about what you wanted to get him?"

"Um," She paused, looking around the stores that lined the mall. "What does he like?" She asked me. She pulled me into a store that sold mugs and things like that. Harry loved tea and coffee. "Can I get him more than one thing?"

"Yeah, sure, darling," I told her. She saw a mug that caused her to start giggling. She showed me and it read: 'You're the best farter... I mean father in the world'. I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's a good one. Wanna get it? It's funny,"

"I wanna get him a nice one," I took the mug from her.

"Well then I'm just gonna give it to him when we get home. This is just funny," She giggled more and picked up a different one. This one said: 'Who needs a superhero when you have dad'. I smiled at her as she agreed on that one. "He'll love that, baby," Her eyes lit up, so I purchased the two mugs and asked her if she wanted to get him anything else as well as her siblings. "You know what you cold get him? You should get him that movie that he really likes. He watched it on Netflix all the time, but I think he'd love to have a physical copy of it," I suggested.

"It kinda goes with the mug too since he can use it for hot chocolate, too. Can I get him a blanket too?"

"Aw sure, baby," We got Harry the blanket and movie, and from myself for him for Christmas, I got him some clothes and a couple of sweaters. I bought Jamie and Lizzie some stuff. Jamie and Anna didn't believe in Santa Clause anymore, but Lizzie did, so I'd have to sneak their things into the house without being seen. Usually I'd leave it all in the car and then put everything inside after the kids were all asleep. 

When we returned home, Harry immediately came up to me, grabbing my arm, pulling me into the kitchen where the kids were out of hearing range. I had the bag with his mug (just the one I got him) in my hand, almost dropping it.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked. He cupped my face and just kissed me. I furrowed my eyebrows, but kissed him anyway. I was the first to pull away. "Are you okay?" I asked, setting the bag on the counter. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened. Just wanted to kiss you," I smiled.

"I gotcha something," I told him, pointing to the bag.

"Aw really?" I couldn't help but smile as his face lit up. He went over to the bag and took out the cup, immediately rolling his eyes and laughing. I burst into laughter as well. "Wow," He said, chuckling. "Thank you,"

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