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A/N: just want to say thank you again ❤️ love you all -Torixx

3rd Person P.O.V

*2 years later*

The sun was shining above, and there was a soft breeze in the chilly afternoon in March. Today marks two years since Alex died.

Louis and Harry had a picnic blanket out beside her grave with snacks and drinks. Each dad sat beside each other with a twin on each lap. Lizzie was six now, and Anna and Jamie were both 10.

"I can't believe it's been two years," Louis said as his older three kids were blowing bubbles in the empty field across from the cemetery that they sat in. The twin boys were sitting and eating some fruit.

"I know. It feels like yesterday. As sad as it is, I just feel this immense amount of peace," Harry told him.

"Yeah, I feel that too. It's probably because we've just been living in peace for two years now. And I guess today kinda puts emphasis on that. I feel like Alex would want us to be happy today instead of sad," While this day reminds them of their friend that passed away, it also is a day to celebrate. The family never had to fear for their lives again.

"I feel like last year was sadder," Harry said.  "You know, like the first anniversary. After that, I feel as though it might get easier.

"I think Alex would want us to celebrate today as 2 years of freedom and peace rather than dwell on her death," Louis said. Harry took a bite of a watermelon slice before nodding his head. "I'm sad, but I'm happy at the same time,"

The three older kids walked over to get some food.

"Daddy, did you bring the flowers?" Anna asked. Louis nodded and handed her the bouquet of tulips sitting next to him. She smiled and handed a single flower to each member of the family, including two toddlers. She set the rest of the bouquet on the grave.

"To the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for. We love and miss you every single day, Alex. Thank you for everything," Louis said. The family of seven ate together and reminisced about life. They laughed together and just enjoyed being together as a family.

It's been a difficult life for the past however many years, but they were all happy now. No one had to fear anymore, and that was a blessing to this family who had been through so much.

Back at home, Harry just got done putting the babies to bed. Louis put Elizabeth to bed and also said goodnight to Anna and Jamie. The two fathers met back downstairs and just plopped down on the couch together, Arlo on Louis' lap.

"This peace and quiet. It's nice," Harry said, his head on Louis' shoulder as he scratched behind Arlo's ear.

"Right? We deserve this. We deserve this happiness,"

"We do," Harry sat up, and Louis looked at him. Harry looked back with a warm smile on his lips. Louis couldn't help himself as he leaned in for a kiss. Harry met him half way. Arlo jumped down from them and scurried up to probably find Anna. Harry deepened the kiss, and in moments the two were full on making out. Harry was in Louis' lap with his hands tangled in his short hair.

"Upstairs," Louis mumbled against his lips. They got up and hurried upstairs, Harry going straight to lay down on the bed.

Their clothes disappeared quickly, and a Louis wasted no time in getting on top of him.

"I love you," Louis said as he entered Harry.

"I love you too," Harry groaned as Louis thrust in and out of the love of his life. They reattached their lips and made love.

After hours of loving one another, the two laid comfortably in bed, snuggled up in each other's arms.

"This is nice," Harry said, a smile on his lips as he was curled up against Louis.

"Yeah," Louis kissed his head of curls. "This is what normal life is,"

"It's addicting when you've been deprived of it for so long," Louis smiled.

"Yeah. It feels good. I'll never get sick of the normality of whatever we have now. We've got our babies safe and sound, and I have you. There isn't anything else in the world that I could possibly want or need more than this,"

"Here's to for the rest of our lives," Harry said.

"To the rest of ours lives," Louis said and kissed Harry's lips. They were finally free and for once in their lives, they were happy.

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