Chapter 22

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-3rd Person P.O.V

Harry jumped up off the couch once the guards left with his daughter and husband. He went up to the other guard that was left there to watch him and the kids and shoved him against the door.

"Where the hell did you take my child and husband?" The guard was choking as Harry had his hands around the man's neck. "Where are they?" He spat. Lizzie started to sob as her dad scared her a bit. Though, she knew he loved her and he was doing this in order to protect them. Jamie just held his little sister in a hug and told her it was going to be okay.

Harry could hear police sirens from outside, causing him to mentally sigh with relief. Thank god. Hopefully they were for them. The sirens got really close and suddenly stopped.

"What did you do?" The guard spat at Harry.

"What any sane person would do if some psychopath got anywhere near their babies," he said with pure hatred in his voice.

"D-Dada," Lizzie whimpered, reaching for him. He could clearly hear her, and turned his face for a second to look at his baby, a moment of weakness for him. The guard took advantage and shoved Harry back, causing him to fall. The guard pulled a gun out and aimed it at Harry's stomach.

"They said you were pregnant," Harry flinched and placed his arms over his stomach, making the guard laugh. "What's that going to do? Hm? The bullet will go straight through you, whore,"

Jamie got off the couch and ran in front of Harry right as the guard pulled the trigger.

"Jamie! No!"


Louis sat on the sofa with Anna held tight and protected in his arms.

"How the hell did you get out of jail?" Louis growled at his father. Joe chuckled sickly.

"It's nice having a brother who shares the same beliefs,"

"We wanted to chat," his uncle pitched in. "We're going to get rid of them for you. Louis trust us. This is what's best for the both of you,"

"Why do you keep believing that!" He yelled, making Anna jump. "Sorry," he said softly, kissing her. "That is my family! Why can't you see what I am perfectly happy and we are perfectly safe with them? Harry's the kindest, most generous person in this earth but you won't give him a chance! Get to know him before you decide to destroy my– our lives. Anna has only had one father her entire life. She loves Harry more than anything and if you take him from her, she'll never be fine again. He means everything to her," Anna stuffed her face in Louis' shoulder, whimpering softly. "And–" he was cut off by his phone ringing. Harry's name flashed across the screen, startling Louis. "Harry, babe, everything–"

"It's Jamie!" He sobbed. Louis could hear Elizabeth crying in the background too. "H-He, I-I, the g-guard, h-he–" Harry couldn't form proper sentences. Louis turned to his dad and uncle, moving Anna and getting up as fast as he could, wanting so bad to strangle them to death.

"What. Did. You. Do?"

"Harry get himself in a little situation? Go save his ass. It'll be pointless cause this isn't the end of this," and so the two older men left, leaving Louis and Anna. Anna stared at Louis with wide eyes as he put the phone back to his ear.

"Harry? What happened?" He said in a bit of a pricked tone.

"The g-guard shot J-Jamie! P-Please just g-get to the hospital," Louis gasped and immediately grabbed Anna's hand, pulling her out of the house.

"Harry! I'll be there soon. I promise you. I need to hang up. I love you. I'll let you explain everything when I get there. We're coming! I promise! I love you- we love you," Louis hung up and nearly ran to Liam's house that was a few blocks away. He was walking way too fast because Anna was nearly being dragged behind him.

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