Chapter 16

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-3rd Person P.O.V

Elizabeth could not sleep that night whatsoever. She woke up past midnight, around 3:30, with her parents fast asleep on each side of her. Louis had his arm draped over her protectively in his sleep, which only made her sweat. She pushed his hand off and carefully got out of bed, going to the bathroom. She did what she had to do, frowning when she couldn't reach the sink. She didn't want to wake one of her dads up, so she climbed on the counter somehow and ran her hands under the cold water, the hot water being too hot for her. She got down with ease and went back to the bedroom. She crawled back into bed, unable to fall asleep still. She whimpered, causing Harry's ear to twitch, but he stayed sleeping.

Liam and Niall felt bad for the kids when Louis told them what was going on, so before they arrived at the house, Niall and Liam had gone out and gotten the kids mini gifts from the store. With that in mind, Lizzie got down again and ran to her gift bag and pulled out stickers and candy, climbing back into bed. Louis told her she couldn't have all of her candy, knowing she'd get sick, but now that he was asleep, he couldn't stop her. She also stole Harry's phone, carefully grabbing his thumb to unlock it for her. She opened her bag of skittles and munched on them as she watched kid videos on YouTube. At the same time, she started decorating her dads in Hello Kitty stickers and My Little Pony. She giggled as she stuck one of the Hello Kitty ones onto Louis' nose, putting a different one on Harry's, too. She was having a blast.

At nearly five in the morning, she was still awake, now playing on Louis' phone because Harry's died. She wasn't tired at all. She would yawn here and there, but she wasn't planning on sleeping anytime soon. She was laying on her back and wanted cuddles, so she grabbed Harry's arm and put it behind her head so she could cuddle into him. Her movements caused him to stir. Lizzie let out a whine as he opened his eyes, moving his arms to wipe the tiredness out. He groaned after realizing Elizabeth was awake.

"Elizabeth, why are you awake? It's-" He went to check his phone but then sighed after realizing it was dead. "How long were you up?" She shrugged. He took Louis' phone from her and put it on his nightstand.

"The clock said three-three-zero," She told Harry.

"Why didn't you go back to sleep?" She shrugged. Harry plugged his phone into the charger, setting it aside and then he suddenly felt something on his nose. He went to scratch it, raising an eyebrow as he pulled off the sticker. Although he was annoyed that she was up, he couldn't help but laugh. He looked at Louis and saw he was covered too, making him laugh more. "Did you put stickers on us?" Lizzie couldn't help but giggle lightly.

"Maybe," He peeled them off and stuck them all onto Louis, causing his baby to laugh more, but still quiet enough to keep Louis from waking up. Once all of the stickers were on Louis, Harry pulled Lizzie to his chest, kissing her soft curls.

"Go to sleep," He told her as he shut his eyes. She closed her eyes in the comfort of her Dada's arms, finally drifting off to sleep.

"What the fuck?" Louis said pretty loudly when he woke up, immediately noticing the stickers. He looked over at his husband and daughter, fonding over them asleep together. However, the moment ended rather quickly after he said that, Lizzie waking up, rubbing her eyes. Since she hardly slept, she was cranky and tired. She couldn't get herself to laugh at her dad since she felt miserable. "Did you put these stickers on me?" She nodded her head and rubbed her eyes at the same time. She got out of Harry's arms, reaching for Louis, a loud whimper leaving her lips. "Hey," He said, taking her in his arms as he removed the stickers from his face.

"I not get a lot of s-sleep," She nearly cried from being so cranky.

"Aw honey," He said. "Go back to sleep, baby darling," He laid her back down and stood up, earning another whimper. Her arms stretched out to him. "I'm just using the restroom, baby. Do you need to go?" She nodded. He lifted her up and carried her to the bathroom, her tail curled around her small waist. Louis helped her with what she needed help with and told her to wait in the hallway so he could do his business. She sat right against the door and nearly fell when Louis opened the door. He lifted her up again and brought her back to the bedroom, setting her on the bed. Louis knew both Liam and Niall were awake downstairs with the other two kids since he could hear them, so he was about to join them, but Lizzie let out a cry as Louis tried to step away from the bed after leaving her with Harry. Louis frowned. "Lizzie, stay here with Dada and get more sleep," he stayed with her until her eyes were shut and he knew for sure that she was out. However, she woke up immediately when she knew he was gone. She kissed Harry's cheek through her tears before running downstairs to find Louis.

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