Chapter 7

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-Harry's P.O.V

"Daddy," Anna cried, walking into the room. I had called Niall that night to let him know what was going on and asked them to bring the kids that morning. Louis was still unconscious, but the nurse continuously told me that he was okay.

Anna went immediately over to Louis, shaking him.

"Baby, don't do that," I told her. "Come give me a hug," She and Jamie came over to me, climbing up onto the bed and hugged me carefully. I looked at Elizabeth who was in Niall's arms, her arms hanging loosely around his neck. She just looked confused.

"W-Why won't Daddy wake up?" Lizzie asked me. I reached my non-broken arm towards her, Niall placing her on the bed with the other kids and I. I held her in my free arm, kissing her forehead.

"Daddy and I were in a car accident, and Daddy hit his head. He's okay though, but it's just hard for him to wake up right now. But, he's okay," Lizzie sat up to look at Louis.

"Daddy," She said and sniffled.

"He's okay, shh," I cooed. "Promise,"

"D-Dad, why didn't y-you let me talk to him last night?" Anna cried.

"Baby, he was at work. I didn't know something was going to happen," She got down from my bed and went over to her dad, pulling herself up and cuddling into Louis' side as he laid there, eyes shut.

"What happened?" Liam asked, eyes scared for his best friend. So, I explained everything to him. "Oh my god," I looked down at my son to see him fast asleep, hugging me as he slept. Elizabeth was sat up, her legs criss-crossed.

When we heard shuffling from the bed over and realized it wasn't Anna moving, my eyes widened at Louis when he opened his eyes slowly.

"Daddy?" Anna said, sitting up. "Daddy," Her lip trembled as she immediately hugged him without hurting him.

"W-What happened?" He asked as he hugged her back, kissing her head, careful not to hurt himself too much. I explained everything to him. He remembered everything up until he passed out, so I guess he just needed reassurance that it did happen and he wasn't crazy.

"Jeez," Was all he said. He hissed at a sharp pain in his rib, causing Anna to flinch away, afraid she hurt him. "Baby, you didn't hurt me," She sighed with relief before hugging him again after his pain died down. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, smiling. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"My head hurts," I hit the nurse button and two came up. One for me and the other for Lou. They saw Louis was awake and both went to him.

"Excuse me darling, would you mind going over to sit with your other dad? So we can check on your daddy for ya?" The one female nurse asked Anna. She looked up at Louis and gripped onto his non-broken arm tighter.

"Baby, go sit with Dad. I'm fine," She sniffled softly.

"Don't hurt him," She pleaded. Louis kissed the top of her head. She sat up and kissed his cheek. "I love you Daddy,"

"I love you, too," She got down from his bed and came to sit on the edge of my bed, watching Louis. I smiled softly at her and reached to hold her hand with my non-broken arm, rubbing her knuckles softly. "Anna, I'm sorry I wasn't able to talk to you last night," He said as he was being examined.

"It's okay," She said. "I didn't want you to get hurt," She frowned and kicked her feet, looking down at her feet shyly. She was never a shy kid.

"Just so you know, the police will be up here to ask you about anything that can catch the man that hit you. It still amazes me that he wasn't hurt,"

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