Chapter 44

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A/N: Hello! Great news!! I'm graduating from college on Friday! I'm still busy with work and volunteering, but now I have a ton of free time! Hopefully I can actually finish this series relatively soon! So enjoy this update! Love you guys!! Remember to comment and vote 💗 -Torixx

-3rd person P.O.V

It's been five days, and today was the funeral. There was still no word from Gemma or Jamie. Niall, Liam, and the baby were released from the hospital, and so was Harry. Harry knew he had to get out of the hospital, but he was scared to leave his vulnerable babies by themselves. They weren't actually by themselves as they had police officers by then at all times. Harry came to the hospital every single day, and Louis came on occasion because someone had to stay home with the other two kids.

Anna hasn't spoken since Alex's death. She lied in bed all week, only leaving her room to use the restroom and the one time Louis was finally able to convince her to shower. At that point, he just took her out of school. He would homeschool her until he didn't need to. But in all honesty, he never wanted his kids to leave his sight. He was trying to hold it all together, but he felt like he was dying. His best friend was dead. His best friend who helped him through one of his darkest times. The one whose been there for him. He cried every night. So did Anna.

Lizzie was heartbroken that her favorite person wasn't there for her anymore. She was slowly understanding death more, and once Louis explained to her that she would never see Alex again, that's when she really truly understood what death meant. She cried too, just not as often as anyone else. She really missed her brother though. Anna too.

Louis looked in the mirror, frowning at himself. He straightened his dark purple tie (purple was Alex's favorite color) and flattened out the black suit he was wearing. He took deep breaths before stepping out of the bedroom, meeting Harry in the hallway. He also wore all black.

"I don't know if I can do this," Louis said honestly. Harry looked up from staring at his shoes. He just pulled Louis into a hug. Louis squeezed his eyes shut, only letting a few tears fall.

Harry and Louis eventually let go of the hug, walking in opposite directions to get their daughters. Louis took a deep breath before knocking softly on Anna's door. She was supposed to be dressed by now, but when Louis opened the door, he saw his daughter still just laying under the covers, a blank stare on her face.

"Hey, you," Louis started softly before sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked at him. "We have to leave soon, baby," She just nodded. "C'mon," She let Louis help her up and helped her get ready. She held his hand as they met Harry and Lizzie at the bottom of the steps.

"Hi, Daddy," Lizzie said, a smile on her lips. Louis smiled softly at her.

"Hey, sweetheart," He crouched down and hugged her, kissing her cheek..

"You guys ready to go?" Harry asked, taking Anna's free hand in his. She still didn't say anything. Louis stood up and nodded, lifting Lizzie in his arms. They made their way out to the car, and Louis drove to the funeral home. He sucked in a deep breath as he parked the car.

Harry and Louis got out, Harry going to get Lizzie. Louis went to Anna's side of the car and opened the door for his daughter. She looked at him, her eyes filled to the brim with tears. Louis frowned.

"Hey," He said softly. "C'mon, it's alright," His oldest daughter just shook her head. "Baby, it's gonna be alright. Dad and I are here. It's gonna be okay," Harry stood behind Louis, their youngest daughter holding his hand. Anna sniffled and undid her seatbelt. Louis helped her out of the car, holding her hand. She remained silent.

When they walked in, there was a line of people- Alex's family and friends. They were all signing the the sign in book.

"You gonna be alright?" Harry asked Louis as they waited, moving up every few seconds.

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