Chapter two

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The nightlife of the beautiful city was starting to wind down. Jake glanced at his watch; it was already 11. Thankfully, his work was over.

The whole building was almost vacant. Jake was about to leave when Jay called him into his office for a talk.

"The CEO has invited me to a party next week, but right after that, we have an important meeting with our new sponsors. So, I want every piece of work on my desk before that. It's your responsibility to collect everything from the team before Saturday. I won't accept any excuses this time, Jake.

You are in charge of the presentation again, and this time, I would like 'you' to complete it. I know Niki made the presentation for you, but I won't let it slide next time. Do the assigned work by yourself. He is still new, so don't burden him with your work too," Jay said before dismissing him.

Jake walked out of the building, lost in deep thought. He never asked Niki to do the work for him, and he's thankful that Niki did it, but he blames Niki for his state today. He wishes it were a lie, but it isn't.

"Going home alone?" a voice startled him from behind. It was Niki.

"Hmm," Jake responded shortly and started walking again.

"Let me drop you," Niki said as he closed the gap between them. "No," Jake exclaimed, without realizing how rude it sounded. Niki stopped in his tracks.

Jake turned around and met Niki's eyes. His eyebrows were knitted together. "I...I am sorry, but I can go home by myself," he said more politely this time. He didn't want to hurt Niki's feelings or anger him, but he couldn't take the risk of going with him.

Niki's face relaxed, but there was a hint of disappointment in it. He nodded in understanding. Jake watched his back as Niki walked to his bike.

'My house isn't far away. I don't need company,' Jake thought to lower his own guilt. It only took him fifteen minutes to reach home.

When he was taking off his shoes, he noticed another pair. 'No way, when did he come home?'

Jake's heart started pounding. He entered the password but was too scared to enter; he was scared to enter his own house.

With sweaty hands, he opened the door, and the lights were off.

"Myung?" he called. "Myung, are you home?" He asked while walking slowly toward his bedroom.

"What took you so long?" Jake jumped in surprise when someone questioned from behind.

He turned around to see a guy holding a beer can. "Didn't I ask you to come home early today?" he said.

Jake gulped when he realized that he forgot about it due to work.


The screen showed the contact name M. Jake immediately excused himself and went to the restroom. As soon as he entered, he rang the person who had already called him five times in the course of ten minutes. "Hello," Jake spoke first.

"I'll come home today," the other person said before ending the call.

*end of flashback*

"I bought you food, but you really don't deserve the care I show."

Every word from the other person's mouth came out with a certain coldness, and guilt flashed in Jake's eyes.

He reached out for the other person's hand, but the taller man preceded. "Serve the food, I am hungry," he commanded Jake like a servant.

Jake reluctantly moved to follow his order. They both sat down at the table with their food. As always, Jake's plate had less food than the other.

It's better to starve than to be punished for gaining weight.

The room was silent, and the only sound that could be heard was of slurping and chewing.

"Your old man was asking for you."

Jake stopped eating for a second. "Don't go. I'll handle him." Jake nodded as he played with his food, his appetite was gone.

"Why are you so quiet today?" the bigger man asked.

"I'm just tired. I haven't had a proper sleep since yesterday morning," Jake answered without stuttering or being agitated.

They do have normal conversations like other people. The problem only comes when Jake doesn't follow the rules.

After finishing washing the dishes, Jake decided to sleep. He had office work, but he was too tired to finish it.

The other man was already on the bed, sleeping. Jake snuck inside the blanket beside him.

The bedsheet rustled before the bigger frame slowly embraced Jake in a back hug. The night was finally peaceful.

Jake's ears were being brushed by the other person's warm breath, and his body bent into the mold of the taller man's frame.

"Try to keep it down, Jake," a command was whispered in Jake's ear before one hand slipped into his bottoms.

Peace? There is nothing like peace in Jake's life. He is a man whom everyone would pity if they knew his story, but sadly, no one does.

No one knows about the dark life he lives and the dirty deeds forced upon him. His so-called friends and the guy who is destroying him even now torment him to depression.

And the old man; Jake questions every day whether the said man really cares about him.

Jake bit his lip to follow the command, but small sounds still escaped from his mouth. Tears were at the corners of his eyes, ready to spill at any moment.

Jake is mentally strong, yet this ordeal is physically painful, and it's impossible for him not to cry. Even so, he tried his best to shed tears as silently as possible.

Even if it's not the first time, it still hurts. Jake has been enduring this pain for years now, and he has no option but to continue surviving it, for God knows how long.

Maybe until; either one of them dies.

Jake clearly told the other person that he hadn't slept for two days and a night, but he didn't care. In fact, who really cares?

"I care about you, Jaeyunie."

"I am the only one who cares about you, Shim Jaeyun."

Two sentences from two different people replayed in his mind.


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