chapter sixteen ⚠️⚠️

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Disclaimer: gore, violence, blood, assault.

The glass slipped and shattered on the floor; its fragments flew off in all directions. Water from the cup splashed, and glittery drops painted the surroundings; a few bits danced on the floor.

The moment the glass slid, Jake knew he had messed up; now no one could save him from the demon standing next to him.

He flinched hard at the loud sound of glass breaking. The room fell silent for a fraction of a second before Myung raised his hand with full force. Jake shut his eyes as tightly as possible and hunched his back, preparing to get hit, but the hand didn't touch him.

The new guy stepped in between and held his friend's arm.

Suddenly, he started laughing to ease the tension away, "It's fine, Myung, it's alright; everyone makes mistakes, huh?" He tried to calm his friend down and help Jake get away, saying, "Forgive him; he's your brother after all."

Did Jake hear him correctly? Jake turned his head to look at the back of the guest who was pushing Myung back to his seat.

'How did he... how did he know that we are brothers?'

The man turned around, and Jake got a proper look at his face. He might not have recognized him if he didn't mention those words, but now he does. His eyes widened in realization.

The guy, the guest, Myung's friend, was one of the bullies from junior high school.

"You are still as miserable as earlier, kiddo," the man walked forward and tapped Jake's shoulder, "go and get changed," he added.

Every cell in Jake's body started trembling with utter fear; past trauma broke free from its shackles in his mind.

He gulped and looked at Myung with disbelief. His palm formed a fist, which trembled, suppressing the extreme humiliation and betrayal he was feeling.

He watched Myung take a shot of alcohol and ask him to get lost. Jake didn't say a word, like a walking corpse; he proceeded towards his room. His eyes were brimming with tears.

He entered the room but didn't bother to turn on the lights or to change.

His legs felt weak, so he sat at the edge of his bed. The tears started falling, breaking the dam formed earlier. His heart ached, and his body shuddered.

In the dark room in which light was coming from the living room, Jake sat, hugging himself, comforting his own injured heart. Jake never thought that just the presence of someone from the past could shake him this much.

He bit his lip and wept silently while the two friends laughed in the other room.


Jake was now cleaning the mess; Myung had gone out to see off his friend.

After a minute, Myung walked in through the front door. Jake didn't look at him, nor did he utter a word; he just continued with his task.

He began picking up the glass pieces from the floor. With his left hand, he lifted the bits and stored them in the cupped palm of his right hand.

He was about to pick up another piece when he felt a crushing weight over his hand.


Myung pressed down on Jake's hand over the sharp edge of a broken glass piece. His black, shiny, leather office shoe mercilessly continued pressing down even as Jake screamed in unbearable pain.

It didn't stop until Jake could feel the hardness of the glass touching his bones.

A puddle of blood formed underneath Myung's feet. He didn't gave Jake time to comprehend and kicked him, causing him to land on his side. 

In two steps, he reached near Jake's face and crouched down. Myung looked at the crying Jake with emotionless eyes.

"Is it nice to lie to me, Jake?" Myung said in a voice that could make Jake's entire body shudder. He then traced his arm with his finger, reaching the bleeding end.

With cruelty he took out the still stuck glass pieces from Jake's flesh. Bleeding became intense. Jake panted heavily on the ground as his arm started becoming numb.

"Oh! 'I am with Sunoo. He called me for shopping. I am out for groceries.' Aren't these the lies you told me?

So tell me, Jake, where were you just now? Hmm?

Did Sunoo ask you to feed him dinner? Or were you busy doing it with Heeseung?" he whispered.

Tears trailed down from the corner of Jake's eyes. With his uninjured yet powerless hand, he pushed himself up.

Even though he was in no position to speak, he still did; with confidence, "I did not," he stated. His hurtful eyes glared into the other's cold ones.

"Oh really?!!" The taller man laughed menacingly. He took out his phone and opened some file.

"Then what is this?" The screen flashed a photo of Heeseung leaning against Jake's chair while both of them shared eye contact.

"You also brought him home that night, didn't you? What after that... did you continue it on the floor or on the couch?"

"Sim Myung-hoon!!" Jake yelled.

*Thwack*—a loud slap full of rage rang across the room. Myung grabbed a fistful of Jake's hair and made him look towards him. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me, Sim Jayun," he said.

Jake's head throbbed hard, aching as if his blood vessel would burst anytime.

"I got busy for a week and your body itched so bady to get fucked that you went to Heeseung?" Myung insulted.

"Did you forget all the trouble he caused you? Should I remind you again."

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