chapter twenty seven

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After their heavy conversation, Jake felt a little hungry, which reminded Heeseung that it was almost dinner time.

Heeseung wanted Jake to rest, but like a stubborn baby, Jake followed him to the kitchen. "You're really not going to listen to me, are you?" Heeseung crossed his arms, facing Jake, who was following closely behind like a puppy.

"I am finee~....I told you I am fine~," Jake protested, making the older man sigh in defeat.

"Okay, sit here and let me do the work," Heeseung tapped the kitchen counter near the stove, and Jake climbed up, letting his legs dangle. Heeseung smiled at how adorable and tiny Jake looked.

In the middle of preparing the meal, a question popped up in his mind. He was hesitant, but curious. "Can I ask you something?" he started.

"Sure," Jake took his eyes off the ramyeon packet in his hand to look at Heeseung.

"What happened between you two before I entered my office?"

Jake heaved a sigh or two before speaking, "I hid something from him, which made him mad... something he desperately needed."

(Earlier in the morning)

After decorating Heeseung's office, Jake was ready to wait for his boss, which didn't happen since seconds later the sound of the door opening was heard.

Jake took his time to turn around his head, and he immediately felt appalled.

The door slowly and automatically closed behind the tall figure. The man strode towards Jake and stopped right in front of him. Jake stumbled back in fear, but one strong fist tangled in his silky hair and kept him from falling.

Jake winced, "You just don't want to live peacefully, do you?" Myung asked with a scowled face, "Where is Sunoo?" He added.

Jake's heart felt something unusual at the mention of the name; it started racing.

"Answer me!" Myung demanded, tightening his grip around Jake's scalp.

"K...keep him out of this...please," Jake requested, a film of water started covering his eyes; he wasn't crying, it was just due to the sudden sting.

Myung grimaced, "I think you are mistaken. I am not the one who dragged him into this, he stepped in himself... now tell me where did you hide him, Jaeyun?"

"Myung, please, he already has so much going on in his life—...argh."

Bham. Myung threw Jake to the side; his abdomen collided with Heeseung's wooden table. Extreme pain surged through his system; it almost felt like he broke his false ribs. Jake's body immediately plopped on the floor, and tears started forming. He held his abdomen to lessen the pain.

Once again, Myung stepped near Jake and crouched to his level. He used the same technique he used before to make Jake look at him.

"I am not here to hear your useless stories, Jake, just tell me where he is. You know I am already quite angry at you," Myung said, which sent chills down Jake's spine.

He breathed abnormally in the midst of crying. He wanted to speak in order to not anger Myung even more, but he just couldn't.

While he was collecting himself to utter a word, the grip in his hair loosened and started caressing his nape, and another hand wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him closer to Myung's chest.

Right then, the door opened, revealing Heeseung. Jake couldn't look at him, but he knew it was him. 'I am screwed' is all his poor mind thought before Myung... no, Sunghoon started his sweet little act.

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