chapter eighteen

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Heeseung flung open the heavy metal door to the terrace. "Jake, what the heck are you doing? Get back down here," he said, his voice overflowing with panic. Behind him came running the hospital staff.

Everyone stopped at a distance, afraid that the person sitting at the concrete edge of the terrace might jump. "Sir, please come down; it's not safe," one of the nurses pleaded.

Jake looked down; his eyes scanned the area where people were screaming, asking him to get away from the edge. He sighed before speaking, "I just needed some fresh air," he said.

His unusually calm tone scared the hell out of Heeseung and everybody else there to stop him. "Need air? I'll blow on your fucking face; now come down," Heeseung scolded, sneaking near him with centimeter steps.

People kept shouting requests, but Jake was too focused to ignore their words. He stared at the far void for a few minutes before retracting his earlier dangling legs. Panic escalated; screaming and shouting became louder. Heeseung strode towards his friend, but before he could reach, Jake stepped back down onto the terrace.

Heeseung, the hospital staff, and the people standing at the foot of the building let out the breath they were holding earlier.

Heeseung, the hospital staff, and the people standing at the foot of the building let out the breath they were holding earlier

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Jake looked at the people around him with innocent eyes, as if he hadn't just done the most dangerous thing ever. "Asshole," Heeseung pounced on Jake, taking him in a firm embrace.
"What were you thinking?" He breathed out, his hug tightening around the smaller frame. Heeseung really thought he'd witness Jake dying a few seconds ago, but thankfully it's over.

Jake just stood still, not reciprocating the hug. His eyes only lowered and blankly stared at the floor. It's not that he hates the hug or the person he is receiving it from; he also wants to break inside other's hold, but crying requires courage.

The hug lasted for a minute or so before Heeseung pulled away. He looked at the younger with sympathy. The older doesn't know what caused Jake to do such a stupid thing, yet he knows that asking about it would be of no use. "Let's go home, okay?" Heeseung used his softest tone to persuade the other and took him downstairs.


After meeting the doctor and taking the prescribed medicine, they both got in the car to Jake's house. "Heard what the doctor said, don't let your wound get wet," Heeseung reminded, his eyes on the road while driving.

He glanced over to Jake, who has been awfully quiet since the terrace incident. "Jake, there is something I need to tell you," he paused for a second, but after receiving no response, he continued. "You know the sponsor from Spain I told you about... she is unable to meet me here in Korea, so my team wants me to go there for further process... and the flight is today... f o r me and you..."

The last part caught Jake's attention. He looked over to Heeseung; the man was driving unfazed but with underlying hesitation in his words.

"Please don't say no, I know you are wounded, but-"

"I'll go," Jake made his statement in a plain manner.

Heeseung was quite surprised; this doesn't mean he'll show it. Usually, Jake denies every plan he is told, even if it is something small. But today, today there is something different.

It's a good thing that Heeseung didn't have to do much to persuade the other. Now the only problem is that he needs to book tickets for the evening flight, which would be difficult considering the short time period, but he will figure something out.

What Heeseung told earlier was a lie, not all of it, but the flight part. The flight his team booked is tomorrow, and that's for him only.

The rest of the ride home was quiet; not a single conversation was exchanged, not even about the terrace. Heeseung dropped Jake home and told him that he will pick him up before the flight.

"Are you scared of flying?" the older asked; Jake's eyes were roaming around non-stop.

"No, it's just I've never been in first class before. It's luxurious and feels different; couldn't we just sit in economy?"

"Why economy?" Heeseung asked out of concern.

"This doesn't feel right; the tickets must have been expensive," Jake replied with innocence.

Heeseung laughed, "I earn so much money to give my loved ones the luxury they deserve, so don't think about expense," he held Jake's hand for assurance.


'For your loved ones'

'Then am I worthy of the luxury too'

But I don't deserve anything; I hate myself, I hate my life... I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life


I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life

"Jake, JAKE!!"


"Are you okay? You look so pale; are you sick?" he touched my forehead.

I looked into his eyes, they were filled with unfamiliar worry, "Am I still one of your loved ones?" I mindlessly asked.

I don't know why I asked that, but my mind is completely blank, I don't know what I am feeling, everything is just too overwhelming.

The hurt I felt last night, I let it stick with me and stupidly made the decision to go with Heeseung; probably that's also the reason why I want to be fooled by him once again. If he can give me the sense of freedom he gave me last time, even for five days, then I am willing to be fooled.

I won't care if he'll leave again; just make me feel like a human again.

I am tired, Heeseung; I am tired.

When I thought he was about to answer my question, he leaned in and connected our lips, "always," he replied while pressing his forehead against mine. His hand caressed my cheek, and under the long lost warmth, I melted.


I don't know if I'll be able to add this to the storyline, so I'll just insert it here -

The reason why Jake emphasizes Heeseung as a friend and why he has trust issues with him, also why there is this lingering tension between them from the very beginning, is that Heeseung confessed to Jake that he actually wanted to be more than friends. He likes Jake and wants to be with him. Jake fell for his words and accepted his proposal, thinking he could finally be happy, even if it's in secrecy. But within a week, Heeseung left. And the story after is known to everyone.

Another question that I think arises from this chapter is how Jake has never been in first class before despite his family reeking money?

After graduating high school, Jake chose a normal life. He lived on an allowance until he found a job, and all the jobs he did never really paid enough for him to experience luxury. He would only experience a lavish lifestyle when he visited his dad or Layla.

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