chapter twenty two

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The two guys sat across from each other in an almost empty convenience store. Jake watched the younger male aggressively slurping on his ramen. The disheveled boy let out blissful sounds as he munched on his food.

"Hyung, your survival skills are zero," Jake felt embarrassed at the mention. "I can't believe you were trying to scare me with that shoe of yours."

"How did you enter my house? I don't remember telling you my passcode," Jake asked changing the topic, he examined Sunoo, who looked beaten up.

"Lon-stoy (long story)," Sunoo replied with a mouth full of food. Jake patiently waited for Sunoo to swallow before continuing.

"It's all your fault," Sunoo started, pointing his chopsticks towards the person sitting across him. Jake rolled his eyes, preparing himself to be blamed again.

"Only if you hadn't disappeared so mysteriously, I wouldn't be in this trouble," Sunoo referred to the time Jake started his new job.

"I asked you; how did you get inside?"

"That's what I'm telling you, don't break my flow," complained Sunoo, and continued, "around two weeks ago, I was short on money...

(Two weeks ago)

Sunoo was sitting in a bar, enjoying noisy music while puffing on a cigarette when two thugs entered the place. Sunoo's mind was lost in the loud music, his body jamming with the instruments. Soon, his eyes landed on the two familiar buffed males.

"Shit!" He threw the cigarette butt on the floor before extinguishing it with his shoe. He was about to run, but the two males immediately caught up.

"Thinking of running away, huh, Kim Sunoo?" one of the bigger ones said.

A playful smile curved Sunoo's lip. "Hyung, how have you been? I've been fine if you're curious. By the way, I have somewhere to go, so I'll just-" he poked his ear, turning around.

"You brat!" cursed the thug before coming forward and grabbing Sunoo's collar. Sunoo raised both hands in defeat. "Whoa, hyung, calm down," although Sunoo's reaction wasn't serious, he knew these people didn't play around when it came to business.

"Calm down?" the guy taunted. "After what you did?" Sunoo was punched in the face right after, throwing his body to the left. He was immediately pulled back up to meet the eyes of the goon. Sunoo wiped his lips to check for a wound. "Return our money now, or else."

"I'll return it," Sunoo sounded cold this time, annoyed that these guys didn't know how to talk normally. He pushed down the hand holding his collar. "I'll send it myself; you don't have to remind me again," he stated quite frustrated and turned away.

"We'll take interest too," the thug said. Sunoo didn't bother to turn around and just dismissed the guys with a hand gesture.

"Shithead, how dare he... Argh, my pretty face," he took out his phone to see what damage the punch did to him.

The reason the thugs were after him was that he was assigned to deliver a rare drug, quite an expensive one. It was Sunoo's first time ever seeing that drug, so he thought it wouldn't hurt to take a little taste. He ended up using the whole thing. From that day, Sunoo was on the run; the drug cost a lot, and there was no way Sunoo could pay for it.

He thought he'd get a little help from Jake, so he visited his house for three consecutive days, but Jake was just never at home. Amidst this, Sunoo was also being continuously nagged, which he hated.

One day, Sunoo was on the streets, hiding from the goons when a guy approached him. He told him that he could help him earn big, and by big, he meant millions of Wons. Sunoo's eyes immediately sparkled at the mention.

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