chapter twenty nine

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Jake's feet dragged along the pavement, each step heavier than the last as he wandered aimlessly down the deserted road. Tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision, but he didn't care. He couldn't care.

The streetlights cast long shadows, and the world seemed muted, as if reality itself was dimmed by his grief. He didn't hear the distant rumble of an approaching truck, nor did he notice the way the road seemed to narrow into a tunnel of headlights. His mind was far away, trapped in the echo of the harsh insults he heard earlier.

Suddenly, a blaring horn shattered the silence. Jake looked up, eyes wide with shock, as the truck screeched to a stop mere inches from him. The headlights blinded him, but not before he saw the driver's face twisted in terror. The roar of the engine and the smell of burning rubber filled the air, but Jake stood frozen, heart pounding in his ears.

Heeseung bolted upright in bed, a cry of fear escaping his lips. His chest heaved with each breath, and sweat slicked his skin. The image of Jake nearly being hit by the truck was still fresh in his mind. Heeseung ran a trembling hand through his hair, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream.

Heeseung's room was bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. The nightmare had felt so real, so immediate. He could still hear the echo of the horn and see the look of despair on Jake's face.

He glanced around, grounding himself in the reality of his surroundings and realized that the nightmare might actually come true.

Panic quickly seeped through his veins. Jake wasn't there. "Jake!....... Jake!!" In fact, he was nowhere in the house. His mind started racing; the nightmare was terrifying, and thinking it might come to reality if he didn't find Jake on time made his palms sweaty.

After searching the whole house twice, he grabbed his keys and took off to somewhere he never wanted to visit again.

His eyes were scanning everywhere even while speeding on the empty road. During his drive, he tried to call both Sunghoon and Jake, but none of his calls were answered.

Heeseung's blood ran cold. Sunghoon's words started ringing in his ears, and a flashback from the day he found out about his secret replayed before his eyes.

"Take him if you want, he's going to crawl back to me anyway."

Minutes later, he arrived at the destination, but things were odd. The gate was locked, and there were no lights on, in or outside the house. It felt unfamiliar and cold.

The air around the house was heavy, and the darkness was thick; it somewhat looked deserted.

Heeseung looked around for any servants or guards, but not even a bird was there. This escalated his panic. If not here, then where could Jake be? What if he went back to his own house? With that thought, Heeseung started his car and reached Jake's door in no time.

He wasn't there.

Heeseung massaged his temple and wiped his face, blaming himself for the current situation. "Argh!!" He kicked the air in frustration as almost every hope was crushed. The possibility of what could happen if Jake fell back into Sunghoon's hands was scaring the heck out of him.

Only the police could help him now, so he went to the police station, but the cops immediately denied helping him. They said that he couldn't report a person missing based on a few hours and that Heeseung needed to come back after a day for his complaint to be filed.

This really irritated Heeseung. They didn't know who Heeseung was, and that's why they were being so lousy at their job.

Well, if that's the case, then Heeseung was willing to show them the power he gained over the years. He took out his phone, casually dialing the Superintendent General's number at four in the morning, who was in charge of the local police agencies. All the police officers and senior police officers at the station got scolded for not cooperating with Mr. Lee Heeseung, the heir of Lee Corporation and CEO of Lee Food and Services Pvt. Ltd.

Instantly, a bunch of police officers took off on the road in cop cars to find a guy in his mid-twenties, probably wearing a black satin full-sleeved pajama set, without glasses, height around 5'8" with a fair complexion.

Meanwhile, Heeseung didn't stop looking for Jake. He somehow ended up in a park where Jake once took him to help him take a break from work. Heeseung desperately looked around every corner of the medium-sized empty park while calling Jake's name.

He was slowly losing all hope of Jake's return, and the one thing that was intensely distressing, even more than his return, was his safety.

He took a seat on an empty bench, his face sank in his palms, 'please be safe,' he prayed, guilt never leaving his heart. After a few minutes of convincing himself and collecting courage, he stood, ready to go on another round of searching.

As soon as he hopped in his car, his phone rang. Heeseung quickly took it out of his pocket, hoping to see a familiar number but was left disappointed upon seeing an unknown number. He casually picked it up.


"........we have him."

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