chapter twenty eight

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Two days had passed with Heeseung and Jake being super busy, to the point where there was no space for other thoughts. Even so, Jake found himself something to worry about.

It's been two days and he hadn't heard anything from Myung at all; no calls, no messages, no threats. This was very unlike him. Jake knew that Myung couldn't do anything while they were in Spain, but now that Jake was back in Korea, it seemed unreal that he hadn't encountered him yet.

Well, that wasn't the only thing bothering him. The other thing on his mind was staying in Heeseung's house. He wondered how long he was going to stay there and with what status he was even living in that household.

Little did he know that all his worries were about to be answered.

At night, Jake was preparing to go to sleep while Heeseung was downstairs fetching a water bottle for him. Suddenly, Jake heard a different voice coming from downstairs. It was muffled due to the thick walls, but it seemed like someone was yelling.

Jake got up from the bed and went to the door to find out what was going on. He slightly opened the door, and the voices immediately became clearer.

"Lee Heeseung!! Lee Heeseung, come out!" a random person called out. It made Jake curious, but for some reason, he decided to stay where he was: at the door, where he could hear but not see what the commotion was about or who this stranger was.

"What is it? Why are you here in the middle of the night?" Heeseung interrogated. His voice was calmer than the other, but he sounded annoyed.

On the other hand, Jake was really confused about what was going on.

"Is it true?.....Are you crazy?" the other male said.

"Hyung, what the heck are you talking about? And why are you at my house at this hour?"

"Why? Am I not allowed?.......Or do you only allow sluts in your house?"

"Hyung, mind your language," Heeseung was shocked by what was coming out of his brother's mouth. It was provocative, whatever his older brother was saying, and Heeseung was trying his best to be respectful.

"Where is he? In your room, right?"

"........" Heeseung only responded with a glare.

"Can't you stay like normal people for God's sake? You know what father did to you when he found out, and you're back at it again." Lee Heedo, Heeseung's older brother, is the closest to him in his family. Their personalities didn't particularly match, as his brother stuck to their father despite being right or wrong. But for years, Heedo had been protecting Heeseung from their father's toxicity, and that's why Heedo lashing out at Heeseung was so absurd to him.

"How do you know?" After being lost for a moment, Heeseung asked, "How do you know that I brought Jake here...? Oh right, huh... How can I be so stupid? It's Sunghoon, isn't it? He told you about this–"

"It doesn't matter who informed me. Kick him out before this news reaches Dad," Heedo stated. But as if Heeseung couldn't hear the elder, he ran his hand through his hair and continued to be in disbelief.

"He was the one who mentioned my relationship to Dad," Heeseung mumbled, ignoring his elder brother's presence.

Heedo stepped forward and harshly grabbed Heeseung's shoulder, turning him straight to grab his attention. "Are you even listening to me? I said kick that shameless boy out before Dad finds out–"

"He is not shameless," Heeseung declared after slapping the older's hand away.

This action made Heedo more furious. "If he is not shameless, then you are. What do you want? Do you want Dad to send you away again... and this time take his company from you?"

"His company? MY company," Heeseung emphasized, pointing to himself and jabbing his chest for emphasis.

"Did you forget how you and Dad abandoned this company, thinking it would go bankrupt? And when I was sent to France, you poured its responsibility on me.

Every product, every sale, each employee of that company belongs solely to me; it is all made by my hard work."

"Yeah, but not legally," Heedo argued. "Legally, it still belongs to us, and if you don't want it gone, then you better do as I say."

Heeseung was on the verge of explosion, and there was only one person to blame for this situation: Park Sunghoon.

In the end, there was no conclusion to the heated argument, and Heeseung's brother left the house hopeless.

Heeseung went back to his room, shut the door, and turned off the lights. He sighed in relief when he realized that Jake was already asleep. He took his place beside the sleeping figure and turned on his side to face Jake.

He fondly looked at the person who was sleeping soundly. He leaned forward and kissed Jake's forehead. Even though it was clear that Jake was sleeping, an unsettling feeling churned in Heeseung's stomach. Yet he decided to give himself and his brain some rest.

Soon, soft snores were heard from the exhausted male, and that's when Jake opened his eyes. Hot tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

He was awake and had heard every single thing until the end. Of course, he cried when Heeseung's brother insulted Heeseung because of him.

He knew that Heeseung would never kick him out, but he should also not expect too much from him, especially when his hard-earned company was at stake. Jake wouldn't let him go through the pain of making a hard decision. So he did what he could to make Heeseung's life a little easier; he left by himself.

Jake didn't bother to change or pack, but he didn't forget his phone and wallet, since there was nothing else that belonged to him in that household.

He carefully closed the metal gates before giving the house one last look, and just like that, he was gone. Where to? No one knows.

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