chapter thirty one

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To celebrate their newly established relationship, the couple went on several dates, each taking turns to prepare something different from the other.

Jake's 'black and white' life finally found its colors, in the name of Heeseung.

He also started going to therapy, sometimes accompanied by Heeseung. Jake was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and anxiety disorder. Another shocking fact that was revealed was that Jake had been continuously abusing trace amounts of drugs.

The psychiatrist informed them that since Jake had been exposed to significant amounts of drugs at times, it was fair to say that he was relying on them for normal functioning. Thankfully, Jake agreed to therapy, and now his drugs were replaced with antidepressants.

Mentally, Jake was getting treated, and physically, well, for that Heeseung was there.

In the office room, Jake smiled fondly when a certain person wrapped him in a back hug. "Tired much?" Jake asked.

Heeseung cutely nodded on the younger's shoulder. "A bit," he replied.

"Sad you have another meeting to attend," the younger teased.

"Are you teasing me?" Heeseung asked, eyes squinting at Jake's side. Jake chuckled.

"No, I am reminding you," he turned around to come face-to-face, leaning his back against Heeseung's strong arms.

"Hmm~, ever since that guy disappeared from the club project, all the load has landed on my shoulders. I am attending the meetings on both of our behalf now," Heeseung complained. He purposefully didn't mention Sunghoon's name because he had no intention of triggering Jake's traumas. "Other partners want me to contact him, but I'd choose to attend extra meetings rather than ever contact him," he stated.

"I also don't want you to get involved with my family. They are cruel......and dangerous," after pondering for a second, Jake continued, "promise me, promise that you'll never get involved with them," he extended his pinky. Suddenly Heeseung's phone rang and he sighed with exhaustion, "it's time to go," he announced, flashing his phone towards the younger. "Bye," he said before giving a goodbye kiss.

"Wait," when Heeseung turned to leave, Jake grabbed him by the arm, "What time will you be back?"

"I am meeting my parents today as well, so maybe 10?" Heeseung sounded unsure. "Don't stay awake waiting for me, eat your dinner, and go to bed early, okay?"

Jake nodded with pursed lips. Heeseung gently kissed Jake's forehead before finally leaving the room. So it's just him and work now.

It was 7 in the evening now; most of the employees were signing off work while Jake was having an ending conversation with HR. "I need the file on my desk tomorrow morning, alright?"

"Yes, sir!" HR announced before saying goodbye.

Jake smiled at the enthusiasm of the newly promoted HR. After that, he proceeded to lock Heeseung's office and arrange his own workspace. The day peacefully ended without needing to disturb his boss.

The young assistant stretched his arms. He was about to pick up his backpack from the chair when his cellphone buzzed with a ringtone playing. Jake took it out of his pocket. Of course! It was 7, Heeseung must be calling to check on him.

But no. It wasn't Heeseung. An unknown number? Jake had never seen this number before, so with confusion, he decided to answer it. It wasn't that big of a deal. In fact, he received a lot of such calls daily as his work requires networking.


"Am I speaking to Mr. Jake Sim?"

"Yes, this is him. What business do you have?"

"I am inspector Lee Min-jun from Seoul Detention Center and I've called to inform you that inmate 4284 has requested a meet-up with you. Kindly report to Seoul Detention Center as quickly as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Inmate?" Jake asked shockingly, "c-could you please tell me their name?" His heart raced, waiting for a reply.

It can't be Sunoo, no, he sent him away! There is no chance that this person is talking about Sunoo. It's obviously someone who knows Jake or maybe it's a mistake. Jake prayed to heaven for this person not to be Sunoo, but when he heard the name, he was left speechless.

"Park Sunghoon." Everything after that name seemed muted. "I request your kind and early cooperation. Thank you." And with three beeps, the call ended.


Jake reached SDC (Seoul Detention Center). It was already dark outside, and the idea that he was at a freaking prison was making him cry internally. But with courage, he walked through the entrance. His heart was erratically beating upon seeing all the cops and guards at every corner of the place.

A man in a formal grey suit approached him with an extended hand, asking for a handshake, which Jake politely accepted. "Kim Jong-su, attorney of Mr. Park," he took out his business card with confidence. "Let me show you the way," he offered.

Jake was accompanied by this attorney guy and a guard who seemed vaguely friendly in this kind of intimidating setup. He greeted him with a smile and addressed him as a superior.

After passing 2-3 walls made of metal bars, they finally reached the room where they would meet Sunghoon. The guard and the attorney stopped earlier and gestured for Jake to go alone. With hesitation, Jake slowly pushed the metal door open. His stomach started folding upon the sight of this unforgettable man.

He was scared, but he shouldn't show it; he must not show it.

Behind Jake, the door closed enough to give them privacy. The room he had entered was large and empty with only two chairs separated by a table.

Jake walked to the middle of the room where Sunghoon was already seated; his head was down on the table upon his folded arms.

"You're here?"

Chills ran over Jake's entire body.

Sunghoon's body straightened up, his back plopped on the back of the chair, handcuffs clung to his wrists. His face was still not visible due to the messy hair covering his slanted head.

Jake took a seat. He managed to keep his composure even though his whole existence was trembling.

Sunghoon finally looked up to meet Jake's eyes and, for the first time in his entire life, Jake saw tears in the devil's eyes.


More secrets will be revealed in next chapter. Stay tuned ✊️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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