chapter eleven

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Jake woke up with sunlight piercing his skin. He groaned while sitting straight. The fact that Myung wasn't in the room wasn't surprising.

Last night's memories were in pieces, which Jake decided not to put much mind into. He looked around; the bed was a mess, Myung was gone, and the time seemed around noon.

He checked the time, and thankfully it was just 9 o'clock. While scrolling through his phone, he noticed an email some company had sent him last night. As Jake read the text, his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

A job offer!

Jake threw the blanket to the side, slid into his clothes, and walked out in a hurry, leaving the house unarranged. He grabbed a taxi and quickly took off for his own house.

On his way, he reread the email to make sure he wasn't leaving any details unnoticed. He cheered at the thought of finally getting a job after a week of unemployment. He had to seal the deal; there is no other option.

Jake took half an hour to properly get ready. He wore a neat suit and sprayed on some perfume. He even booked a cab beforehand. After finishing breakfast in a rush, he got into the already waiting cab.


As soon as I arrived, a young woman greeted me. She introduced herself as Julia, the current personal assistant to the CEO of this company.

I was shocked when she informed me that her job would be taken over by me. Me?

I thought I was called in for an interview as a basic employee. It's not like I am complaining, but this whole situation seemed a little fishy, so I asked her straightforwardly.

She told me that there is nothing to be suspicious about and that I was actually recommended by a friend. I guess Jay doesn't hate me after all.

Julia showed me around and bombarded me with tons of information. Her professionalism impressed me a lot. She knew what she was doing, helping me introduce myself to fellow employees and staff. Her friends also offered me their help, which I think was really sweet.

At last, after a long, long walk, we finally reached the CEO's office.

I straightened myself and turned to Julia; she had a file opened in front of me.

"Before entering, I want you to sign this. It's a confirmation that you are willingly taking over this job," she looked at me with determination.

While her words were a little scary in a way, her eyes were full of anticipation.

I carefully read the document; it was uncomplicated and perfectly written (without any grammatical errors). I wanted to sign it right away since the offer was too good, but things seemed a bit too accelerated. Even though the offer is too tempting, so I signed it.

As soon as I did, Julia knocked on the opaque glass door.

"Get in."

The door opened, revealing a luxurious office room, elegantly designed with grays and browns. Now, this is what you call a CEO's office.

A tall man in a black suit with a great silhouette was standing turned away from us

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A tall man in a black suit with a great silhouette was standing turned away from us.

"Sir, Mr. Sim is here," Julia announced while placing the file on the table to the right.

My heart pounded fast in nervousness. I saw the man turning around, so I immediately bowed ninety degrees.

When I straightened up, my eyes widened in surprise. "You!!" I exclaimed. What the hell.

"What are you...wait, don't tell me."

"Welcome to my company, Jake," the other party said with a cheeky grin on his face.

My mouth stayed agape at his words.

"Lee Heeseung, what the actual heck, I told you clearly that I will not work with you. How dare you trick me to come here," I furiously said.

"I wouldn't have to do any of this if you had accepted my offer earlier. A kid stubborn like you left me with no other option," he said and casually sat down on the beautiful-looking couch with a book in his hand, looking like a model. Argh, this office is so pretty; it keeps distracting me.

"I am sorry, but I am leaving. I will not fall for your tricks, and I will never work with you," I said with full determination.

"Too bad, Jake, because you already did," with his opened book, he pointed towards his desk.

My eyes landed on the file. Fuck.

Julia, I turned to look at her, but there was no one there, and the glass door just closed. That sly woman, she knew who I was all along. I swear to God, Julia, when I catch you, Julia, you'll surely be dead.

"I resign," I announced.

"I don't allow," he said, unbothered and flipped another page.

"I know Julia has filled you with everything you need to know; your desk is outside. Please go and arrange it and bring me coffee afterward. My day can't start without coffee," Mr. Lee Heeseung, the CEO of this million-dollar company, ordered.

I sighed in annoyance, but there is nothing I could do about him. I really took the flying arrow in my chest, huh?

Why are you so stupid, Sim Jaeyun? I walked towards his desk to pick up the file I signed to take it back to my desk, but he interrupted again.

"Leave it there; I'll ask someone to frame it... I hope you remember the part where it says that it's a three-year contract."

My god, the annoying asshole. I slammed the file on the table and walked out of his office.

Man, what I have brought myself into.



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Ceo Lee Heeseung

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