chapter fifteen

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It's been exactly ten days since Jake started working at the new company, and Heeseung has quickly been promoted from a stranger to an acquaintance.

Heeseung is a good boss, not only to Jake but to every other employee. Jake admires his dedication to work, which keeps him motivated despite their personal matters.

The funny thing is, amidst Heeseung's and Jake's busy schedules, Heeseung always manages to find some time to bother Jake. His constant teasing and work pressure sucks all the energy out of him.

Currently, they are on their way to Jake's home, with both of them enjoying the smooth ride in the back seat while Heeseung's driver navigates the car.

Today, they went to the factory for the monthly inspection, there were a few malfunctions that are now fixed, but it engaged their whole day. Since it was already late, Heeseung decided to drop Jake off on the way.

Heeseung was in the middle of explaining something to Jake when he realized that the latter had already fallen asleep due to exhaustion.

He chuckled upon realizing that Jake must have fallen asleep a while ago.

He chuckled upon realizing that Jake must have fallen asleep a while ago

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Jake's skin shined, in every passing streetlight,. Heeseung admired his relaxed face, treasuring this peaceful moment.

Jake looked ethereal as always, with his high-bridged nose, perfectly curved eyes with long, curled eyelashes, delighting Heeseung.

Heeseung carefully removed the mask from Jake's face, revealing his plump lips. "Must be uncomfortable," he said in a soft voice.

'So pretty' he thought.

After staring for a few seconds, a force started pulling him towards Jake. He was tempted to kiss him. "I am sorry, Jake" he mumbled, leaning in closer.

His mind focused on the sleeping beauty in front of him. Should he kiss him to wake his sleeping beauty?......... He leaned closer and closer until their lips were only a centimeter apart.

"We are here, sir."

Heeseung quickly pulled away, stunned at what he was thinking. Just what was he about to do?

He regained his composure after scolding his own brain.

"Jake... Jake!" He shook the latter twice to wake him up. Jake, who was sleepy, looked outside with half-opened eyes. It was indeed his house.

But suddenly, he noticed something that snapped him out of his sweet sleep completely.


Jake jittered and moved out of the car, quickly sending Heeseung away.

He skipped to his front door, but his hand stuck to it when he heard two people laughing.

His pupils dilated upon realizing that there was someone else in his house with Myung.

But why? Myung never brought a stranger home before. Jake's heart started to race, and somehow he struggled to breathe.

Even so, he dialed in the passcode and entered his house. His eyes immediately looked for the newcomer, and there was one indeed.

Myung and the other guys looked towards the house owner, who slightly bowed to greet.

Jake, without a word, started walking towards his room. His shoes glued to the floor when he heard Myung call him.

"Where are your manners, Jake? Shouldn't you ask your guest for a glass of water?" Myung said in a strict and commanding voice that sent chills down Jake's spine.

"Sorry," Jake smiled apologetically, obviously faking it.

He turned to the kitchen to do what he was asked for. Only bad thoughts clouded his mind; there was no space to think of hospitality. All the harmful possibilities rang in his ears.

With trembling hands, he brought a glass to Myung's friend.

Myung rose from his seat and stood beside Jake, his tall structure hovering near Jake.

Fear grew in Jake's heart. He gulped down his saliva and checked the known man.

"Do you want to embarrass me, Jake?" Myung took the glass from the younger. Jake didn't resist, nor could he. Still, his body trembled at the spot.

The next thing Jake felt was cold water being poured on his head slowly.

Jake clenched his jaw, the strain evident in the tightening of his facial muscles, as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

His eyes glistened with unshed tears; his fingers trembled slightly. He let out a subtle gasp when the water soaked his striped T-shirt.

He was right. Myung didn't bring this person to simply hang out; in fact, it's a punishment. He wants Jake to feel humiliated, like what he felt when Jake continuously lied to him.

It was not hard to figure out that Jake found a job, but the fact that he was working with Heeseung made Myung fume. How could Jake forget the harsh punishment he received last time because of Heeseung is what he thought.

Jake stood there vulnerable, head down until the last drop of water met his head.

"Go and clean the glass better before you bring it to your guest," Myung proclaimed.

Jake only nodded while holding back the tears desperate to fall.

After a while, he came back with another glass of water. He walked to the guest under the intimidating supervision of Myung.

But, the fear was too much for Jake to handle; his muscles twitched under Myung's intense gaze, leading the glass to slip through his grip. Fuck.


Worst way to end a chapter, Ik.
Will not happen again. Hopefully.

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